I've recently been watching "
The Food Hospital" online and have learned all about how different types of foods can help various health problems. I have started eating a lot healthier and feel much better

I have also bought a health/diet book called "
The Food Doctor". Here are some things I've learned about the correlation between diet and depression.
Eat breakfast. You need something to wake up your metabolism. Without breakfast you will be grouchy and will be more inclined to eat foods high in sugar to wake you up. Healthy breakfasts include:
Porridge with semi-skimmed milk. You all could add some fruits

Porridge contains fibre and it also slowly releases energy. Depression typically makes you feeling fatigue so slow releasing energy is great
Wholegrain breakfast cereal with semi-skimmed milk. This also contains a fibre
Wholemeal toast 
I like marmite on toast. Marmite includes loads of B vitamins which also increases energy levels.
Your five a day. Eat more fruit and vegetables. They're packed full with vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. Antioxidants help boost the immune system. When I'm feeling depressed my immune system goes haywire, the more antioxidants the better

Try to eat a "
rainbow" of fruit and vegetables, try to include everything of different colours
Avoid alcohol. I find that drinking alcohol really triggers off depression the following day. Alcohol depresses the nervous system which slows down your reflexes and other brain functions. Not a great thing to do if you're already feeling depressed.
Avoid "energy stealers" These include alcohol, tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, etc. These foods stimulate hormone adrenaline. If adrenaline is over-produced it may lead to general fatigue. The less adrenaline I produce the better because I have problems with anxiety.
Follow the "Eat-Well" plate.
Dark chocolate. I come across a
study a couple of weeks ago claiming that dark chocolate can combat fatigue. I thought I'd give it a go because I have nothing to lose. My energy levels have definitely increased. I also felt happier in myself. Why? Dark chocolate contains tryptophan which breaks down into two very important neurotransmitters, serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a natural antidepressant. Melatonin helps you relax and helps you fall into a deep sleep. Deep sleep is essential, it's when your body repairs itself. It also contains plenty of B vitamins
85% dark chocolate is what I eat. At first it tasted gross but I've gotten used to the taste
Eat a kiwi before bed. This sounds mental but it has been
proven to help insomnia, which is often associated with depression.
Also, switch white bread, pasta and rice with wholemeal

Wholemeal provides a LOT more fibre.
I have been feeling so much better over the past few weeks because of this

I have so much more energy and I'm a lot less depressed, which is very odd considering I feel more depressed in the winter.
You may think this is a huge change and will be difficult but it really isn't. Just educate yourself about different types of food and what it really does for you. Also, stop thinking about food simply as a way to gain weight. It's so much more than that
(I know my written English isn't the best so I hope this is understandable
