Hey thank you guys for the advice I really appreciate it.
To Ally: I have apologized for a thousand times and have been telling her that I didn't meant to hurt her but it slipped out because I was furious. The problem is she doesn't have an effort to change or to tune us together and she never admit her flaws. It turned up that I was the only one responsible for this breakdown

Actually after what I've seen from her, I do not want to continue our friendship either. I felt being used and down. I really don't care about her but I card about my other friend. I just couldn't understand why she just sided with this friend of mine and left me like I never existed. I am also worried that this friend that I have fight with would be going around telling everyone about us and she has a talent of being manipulative and saying whatever it takes to make her right. I don't know how many people she has been going up to talk to and what contents does she included in her one-sided story. Judging from what I saw from my other friend, its obvious that her story definitely make me look like a bad person. I admit that I might not be that good but she doesn't better either. I think she would make up the story to make it looks like I'm a jealous bitch who backstabbed my best friend. I really felt bad for that. I think she realizes that she wasn't that good but she tried to run away from her shadow and put all the blames on me. I'm really paranoid and worried about how many people would hate me and think negatively about me
To Christabel : Thank you for your offer. Let's talk sometime

I really need a friend right now!