Welcome to TeenHelp's Donations system! This page will let you generously donate your money to TeenHelp!
Why should I donate?
A site as popular as TeenHelp costs a lot of money to keep running. By donating to us you will be helping us with those costs. Your donations will be used to help TeenHelp continue to provide free services to all of our site's visitors!
Because you are viewing this page as a guest you will be unable to receive any incentives for your donations. To receive incentives you must register an account first.
How does donating work?
TeenHelp provide a wide range of incentives to those who donate money to us. Below you can find a list of the incentives we offer and how much you must donate in order to obtain them. Once you find something you like, click on "Order" and you will be taken to PayPal where you can donate using your PayPal account, a credit/debit card or an eCheque. If you'd like multiple incentives, simply repeat the process with each one. All incentives will be applied to your account automatically unless it says otherwise. If you're just interested in donating and aren't too bothered about the incentives, that option is provided below as well. We are not currently accepting donations through postal mail, but may be able to in the future.
The donor icon
No matter which incentive you pay for you will always get the
icon underneath your username!
If you have any questions before donating, please direct them towards an administrator or through email to donations@teenhelp.org
Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page before continuing.