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Posted December 4th 2011 at 07:22 PM by Troubled_Heart

I'm fucking everything up and I can't stop myself...
What's wrong with me?
I say I'm going to help... Don't ask why
I get so pissed I can't and have to leave before I regret something...
All she did was say my pudding was yummy.
Hate being shit at everything. Hate being a cruel, useless waste of space.
I know why I'm annoyed...
Because she said suicide is the ultimate act of selfishness..
Fuck Off! What does she know?

School tomorrow.. Couldn't be dreading it more and already cried a bunch...
Just know that I won't sleep...
Emotional wreck.
Hyper of drawing Sunderland in FA Cup.
Feeling shit about myself and the way I treated her.
Scared for school tomorrow and panicing something is wrong...
Got textiles and I've lost the piece I need...
No one will help me find it and there's nothing more I can do... If I don't find I'm fucked for life...
Crying again already...
Wish I could die tonight...
Hope I pass away in my sleep so I don't have to keep pushing...
Fuck This
Fuck Me
Fuck Life
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  1. Old Comment
    Anatidaephobia's Avatar
    NOTHING is worng with you. You are amazing and so lovely (: I absolutely love chatting to you. You don't fuck anything up sweetheart.
    I'm sorry she shouldn't have said that but I'm sure she wouldn't of if she knew how you were feeling.
    School will be ok and you havemy number if you need me (:
    You can do this beautiful. I believe in you.
    I love you <3
    Posted December 4th 2011 at 09:08 PM by Anatidaephobia Anatidaephobia is offline
  2. Old Comment
    zombiehunterforhire's Avatar
    Hey, everything will be fine, i promise you that. everything looks up for the people that need it the most and things will look up for you. if you EVER need help with anything i'm here for ya youre a great person and you defiantly deserve the best things in life
    Posted December 5th 2011 at 06:23 AM by zombiehunterforhire zombiehunterforhire is offline
  3. Old Comment
    blumemusik♫'s Avatar
    Hey lovely, I'm here for you <3
    Posted December 5th 2011 at 07:31 PM by blumemusik♫ blumemusik♫ is offline
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