My day
Posted July 7th 2011 at 05:07 PM by Troubled_Heart
I never know whether to start with the good or the bad, but I gues for this I should start with the bad, afterall, the bad came first!
I carved hate into my stomach last night, not deep, but enough to break the skin and it'll scar for about 8 months... I mean I needed to and it helped and today I've had one of the best days of my life... Just thinking about it makes my legs go to jelly and my heart beats faster...
I had ICT first this morning, we have a new teacher coming next year who I got to interview a few months back, the one I wanted got the job
But yeah... he is SO FIT! I mean I actually love him! He's so young and so pretty and fits the definition of smexy! I had him sit with me for AGES and he had to sort my work out and do this real complicated thing and he moved his leg up and down to concentrate and we type in the same way and he is actually awesome! And because I had him (ICT) first I still smelt of perfum so he would have liked that and I want to marry him!
Maths - My teacher is awesome... she's also fit... but half our class was missing so she was talking banter with us which was lol and she did impressions and we did like no work and watched videos and she played this joke we have and it was yay and then she told us about her dad... he's a musician and plays the french horn and y'know the old star wars movies... well he's the horn player in the theme
English - again half my class was missing so we got to watch the film
there was only 2 girls (me and my best mate) in the class and although we don't sit next to each other we were allowed to shout and talk
And I generally had a bonding day with Alex (who I sit next to) the guy who cuts for no reason and that was cool and fun and generally amazing to have a good English lesson!
ICT - This time I had long course, the option I picked... although I don't have fit knew guy (Mr Walters) the wall is glass into the next room and I sat there all lesson just staring at him
He never noticed and my teacher didn't care because I had no work to do until she checked my propsal! I can't wait for school now just so I can stare at him and I love him and I can't wait until I get to know him better and when I let it slip I helped him get the job - then he'd love me 
There've been afairs with pupils before... I hope I get one with him! He's seriously gorgeous! I sat with these 2 girls in class and they talked a bit to me... At first I was good friends with 1 because she was new and needed someone to be with, then she made a friend... but we talked to these guys behind too and it made me look kind of normal? Popularish? Which is yay because he won't think I'm a freak... Defo will go to him if I need teacher support
Now I'm going running in my brand new lycra shorts
and I'm hyper... when I get back on a runners high I'm going to be unbearable with hyperness... God this is awesome! I love school!
I carved hate into my stomach last night, not deep, but enough to break the skin and it'll scar for about 8 months... I mean I needed to and it helped and today I've had one of the best days of my life... Just thinking about it makes my legs go to jelly and my heart beats faster...
I had ICT first this morning, we have a new teacher coming next year who I got to interview a few months back, the one I wanted got the job

Maths - My teacher is awesome... she's also fit... but half our class was missing so she was talking banter with us which was lol and she did impressions and we did like no work and watched videos and she played this joke we have and it was yay and then she told us about her dad... he's a musician and plays the french horn and y'know the old star wars movies... well he's the horn player in the theme

English - again half my class was missing so we got to watch the film

ICT - This time I had long course, the option I picked... although I don't have fit knew guy (Mr Walters) the wall is glass into the next room and I sat there all lesson just staring at him

There've been afairs with pupils before... I hope I get one with him! He's seriously gorgeous! I sat with these 2 girls in class and they talked a bit to me... At first I was good friends with 1 because she was new and needed someone to be with, then she made a friend... but we talked to these guys behind too and it made me look kind of normal? Popularish? Which is yay because he won't think I'm a freak... Defo will go to him if I need teacher support

Now I'm going running in my brand new lycra shorts

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