Untitled (possibly triggering)
Posted June 5th 2011 at 03:22 PM by Troubled_Heart
Updated June 5th 2011 at 07:19 PM by Troubled_Heart
Updated June 5th 2011 at 07:19 PM by Troubled_Heart

It never lasts, the feelings, they always come back and they get worse. There's no way out for me, I always feel worse and worse and worse. When i try and help it they fight back, when I do what feels right, it's wrong. I'm hated and unloved, people don't care about me, I'm just a joke. They avoid me, they don't want to know me, they can't face the facts, I'm a mess. I cut again, I hadn't in a while, I kept myself going, all the good that did. I need it to stop bleeding, but it won't. I can't let anyone see the blood, nobody can find out. The scabs itch, I hate the itching, I need to run but I can't... I don't want to deal with the humiliation, the lonliness and hurt, I want someone to love me, someone to take care of me and know me inside out, someone who can make all this pain go away, but I can't have that, I'm not worthy enough, all I deserve is death. Death comes to everyone, why can't it come to me, right now?
Total Comments 1
Posted June 5th 2011 at 11:02 PM by Coffee.