Started again... and it's worse this time (trig? im really not sure)
Posted May 17th 2011 at 07:54 PM by Troubled_Heart
so after like a month of quitting ive cut 2 days in a row... everything is triggering me, my biology lesson made me break down... I had to escape to the toilets... My cuts are getting much much deeper than before, if i cut any deeper I would be into a vein... i even dream of cutting and of blood and death... i cant stop, everytime i see a car i want to jump infront of it and let everything come to a peaceful end... i never thought it would get this bad, my grades are slipping, ive stopped talking to anyone but my real close friends and its a chore to get out of bed... l used to want to get up... i don't know what to do anymore, all i want is to feel good... and nothing seems to be working any longer... 

Total Comments 2
Posted May 17th 2011 at 08:32 PM by Anatidaephobia -
Posted May 18th 2011 at 04:38 AM by Coffee.