General Journaling Nothing spectacular going on here, just regular, every day things
Spent some time exploring a new genre of music that's somewhere between techno and industrial and noise. It feels really good, even though the singers scream a lot (but that's more my parents talking than me) which includes bands such as Cyanotic and 16Volt among others. It's actually really calming.
So I had my birthday about a week ago and got a hundred dollars from my uncle. I thought about buying DJ Hero with it, but with the new onslaught of stress and my parents being generally...
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Second one so far, I really like her to. Doesn't feel like she's talking down to me or patronizing me, just listening and letting me work things out without any judgement. Don't get that too often at home, so it's a big relief.
After I explained more of what my home life is like, she said that she hadn't ever really had a person like me in her office before. Seeing how she's been doing this for 10+ years, that was a bit of a surprise and helps me to realize that I'm not overreacting...
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My first blog post. Essentially, my first journal entry. What better way to record my emotions in a site where no one I know will ever find it? Too many times have my personal emotions been found and placed in the harsh public light, but that should not be the case here. Or at least I hope it won't be. I guess that's a risk I'm willing to take at this point.
Maybe I'll update every day, maybe every week. Not sure at this point, this idea of writing down my naked thoughts feels...
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