The TeenHelp Project Blog contains a large collection of information about TeenHelp, and provides a place where you can discuss each news item, including TeenHelp's announcements, notices, and Newsletter releases, among other things.
We're now on Instagram!
Source: Announcements forum | Thread.
Hey everybody,
I'm pleased to let you know that TeenHelp has now joined Instagram, and we're planning to put it to good use by sharing loads of great photos, using them to build awareness of issues, inspire and encourage, as well as help promote the work of our members!
Follow us:
And see great pictures like:

(Background photos by Rigged System, Wanderlust. and coolkid98)
Send us your photos!
We'd love to share the great work of our users - Or even use them to create cool new pictures like some of the ones above. Maybe your photos will be the next Newsletter "Picture Of The Month" or be featured on our social media pages? We will always give credit for all photos used. If you have a Instagram/Facebook/Twitter profile and you want us to tag you in these, please mention these when you send your photos.
If you have photos you want us to use, please send them to us at
Don't forget - We're on other sites too!
We're on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr too.
We'd love for our members to show their support and help to promote TeenHelp by following our pages, liking our posts and sharing them with others!
We're now on Instagram!
Hey everybody,
I'm pleased to let you know that TeenHelp has now joined Instagram, and we're planning to put it to good use by sharing loads of great photos, using them to build awareness of issues, inspire and encourage, as well as help promote the work of our members!

And see great pictures like:

(Background photos by Rigged System, Wanderlust. and coolkid98)
Send us your photos!
We'd love to share the great work of our users - Or even use them to create cool new pictures like some of the ones above. Maybe your photos will be the next Newsletter "Picture Of The Month" or be featured on our social media pages? We will always give credit for all photos used. If you have a Instagram/Facebook/Twitter profile and you want us to tag you in these, please mention these when you send your photos.
If you have photos you want us to use, please send them to us at
Don't forget - We're on other sites too!
We're on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr too.
We'd love for our members to show their support and help to promote TeenHelp by following our pages, liking our posts and sharing them with others!
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