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The TeenHelp Project Blog contains a large collection of information about TeenHelp, and provides a place where you can discuss each news item, including TeenHelp's announcements, notices, and Newsletter releases, among other things.
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Newsletter #58 - New Volunteer Of The Year Award; maintaining your New Year's resolutions; how to get back into school mode after the holidays

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Posted January 21st 2015 at 05:22 PM by TeenHelp

TeenHelp Newsletter

TeenHelp Newsletter #58 - January 21st 2015 - http://www.teenhelp.org

Welcome to the TeenHelp Newsletter! Our Newsletter contains a lot of useful information about our current work, including updates to our site and services, work with our partners and affiliates, details of upcoming events, short bits of advice, interesting links and more!


TeenHelp News

TeenHelp regularly makes changes to its site and services. Some of these are large and noticeable, and others are small and much less so, but each one contributes to the positive development of TeenHelp and how our users experience our community. Below are some of the most recent developments.


Latest videos (January 18th 2014)

Due to the hard work of our Videos Team, we continue to see many great additions to our Videos section. More videos are being added all the time, so check regularly to see all our favourite picks! Some of our latest additions include:

Coping mechanisms and grounding techniques for PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is becoming a bigger problem in today's world. It is usually more common among public servants, but it is now affecting more people within society as a whole. Watch this video of a person who suffers from PTSD who discusses what PTSD is, how it can affect your life, and some coping techniques for PTSD.

PTSD - how to help a loved one and yourself

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is becoming a bigger issue in today's society. This video discusses how you can develop PTSD, the things and events that may contribute to it, what it is, the symptoms of PTSD, and how you can help yourself or a loved one who is experiencing PTSD.

Depression: how can I help a loved one?

Depression is one of the hardest things for a person to go through. When someone is experiencing depression, they may feel lost, confused, suicidal, and many other different emotions. In this video, Dr. Walton discusses how you can help someone who may be suffering from depression.

Tips for picking a doctor

Choosing a doctor is a very important and difficult decision to make. Watch this video to find out what kinds of questions to ask yourself when searching for a doctor and to learn some tips and tricks that you could use during this process.

How to make easy Christmas sugar cookies - the easiest way

Making holiday desserts can be a very fun and interesting thing to do. In this video, they discuss step by step how to make Christmas sugar cookies the easy way.

DIY glitter jar

You may be trying to find new alternatives to self harm, relax or de-stress, or simply be more creative. This video takes you through the process of creating a DIY Glitter Jar that can be used for a variety of different reasons.



Latest articles (January 5th 2015)

Our team of talented writers bring our users a constant stream of fresh articles to read each month. Articles are being published regularly, so be sure to check regularly to see what we're doing. Some of our latest additions include:

Difficulties a trans person might face

There are many particular difficulties that trans* people may come up against, both prior to and after transitioning. This article describes some of these difficulties, as well as some tips on how to overcome them.

The Scottish independence referendum

As many people are aware, in September 2014 Scotland held a vote regarding their independence from England and the UK. This article explains the events leading up to the referendum, the results, and what this means for the future.

A guide to adult tonsillectomies

It's a relatively common misconception that tonsillectomies are only performed on children, but in certain circumstances it is advisable for an adult to have the procedure. This article explains why this might occur and what to expect if it does, including how the procedure is done and what the recovery is like.



Introducing the Volunteer Of The Year Award (December 25th 2014)

A Volunteer Of The Year Award has been introduced to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of one TeenHelp volunteer who has gone above and beyond throughout the course of the year. TeenHelp is very pleased to announce that the first ever Volunteer Of The Year Award goes to Robin (PSY).

"Robin has been an important part of our volunteer team for over five years. She has worked across many areas of the site, including HelpLINK, Articles and holding a number of Moderator and committee roles. More recently she has taken a lead on our volunteering side through her Volunteering Officer role and as a Project Advisor.

Robin has shown great dedication to TeenHelp across all of her roles and no doubt many of you have spoken to her before. She quietly supports both Staff and other users alike, answering questions and providing feedback to volunteers. She gives fantastic advice and encouragement and has written and edited many articles that educate users. She does a lot to keep the site running largely behind the scenes, and while many may not see this work it is vital to the smooth daily running of TeenHelp.

Her hard work has been invaluable over the last year and I hope it will continue to be over the next one. Her contribution is certainly one that would be missed. Well done Robin, you really deserve this award! The wonderful prize for this award is receipt of our Deluxe Sponsor incentive."



Happy holidays from TeenHelp (December 25th 2014)

The year 2014 draws to a close with a warming and heartfelt message to all at TeenHelp. It reflects upon the challenges and changes that have taken place in the world, how each and every user makes TeenHelp the special place it is, and if the year didn't go to plan, the chance to start afresh in 2015. It closes with an inspiring message of building on the successes already achieved and being proud of who you are.



Show us your elf expression (December 23rd 2014)

At the end of December, users were set the task of posting their holiday-themed elf-related creations. TeenHelp is proud to showcase an excerpt of a poem submitted by Chess ( *~Skittles Martinski~* ).

The Saga Of The Wandering Elf And How He Found His Home

This is the tale of a wandering elf
who went on a quest to discover himself:

"Not a day will I waste nor a second I rest
until I've succeeded in my noble quest!"

Thus went his thinking, and so off he went,
with a bagful of wishes and nary a cent.
Long did he wander and far did he roam,
but -
"I am not myself yet, and this is not home."
Alas our poor hero was feeling quite blue
And none of his wishes had ever come true.
Just what did he wish for? I'll leave him to say,
for 'tis not my place, and I will not -
This is my story, narrator; back off.
Your laughable talent causes me to scoff.
You're not doing justice to my journey's tale
so let me take over, before ratings fail.




TeenHelp works with a range of different organisations and websites in order to help and educate young people. Below is a selection of some of them. For a full list of the organisations we work with, please visit our Resources page.



K12 Periodic Table of the Elements

The K12 Periodic Table of the Elements is an application that allows you to explore the scientific elements and their key attributes in a simple, easy-to-use way. The K12 Periodic Table of the Elements is perfect for homework and basic science courses and allows you to test yourself, customise the table, and much more. This application is considered suitable for people aged 12 and over, and is very user friendly.

Available for free on Apple and Android devices through their application stores.


Tips Of The Month

Each month we share small bits of practical advice that you can implement to improve your life or that of others.


How to interact with police officers

With all of the stress, pressure, and situations police officers face on a daily basis, sometimes we don’t always acknowledge their intent to protect and serve and instead, we place additional issues into their lives. Here are some tips to ensure that your interactions with police officers are positive and legal.
  • Always be respectful to police officers while also maintaining your legal rights. If you feel your rights are being taken away from you at any point in time, still be respectful, polite and patient and request a supervisor, their badge number, and their last name so that you may report that officer to the proper authorities.
  • If a police officer wants to chat and you don’t, politely ask “Am I under arrest?” If not, it’s your right to walk/drive away. Before doing so, and just in case, remember to politely ask, “Officer, am I free to go?”
  • If an officer asks you questions at any time that you don’t wish to answer, say, “Respectfully, officer, I have no comment to make at this time.”
  • If an officer pats down your clothing to check for a weapon, don’t resist (e.g., run, argue, obstruct, or fight). Instead, stay calm and polite.
  • Always know your rights. Take some time to brush up on your legal rights, the statues, laws, and policies put in place by your local law enforcement community. Doing so will allow you to be an informed citizen of your community and will assist in the building of positive relationships with police officers.


Maintaining a New Year's resolution

Making a list of New Year's resolutions is a common activity that is done by many, in order to make positive lifestyle changes. At the end of the year, many people look back at what they have accomplished and realise that some of what was planned hadn't been achieved. Here are some tips on maintaining a New Year's resolution.
  • Make realistic goals - Avoid setting unrealistic goal(s) that you know would be difficult for you to achieve. Work on your goal(s) in a pace that is steady and comfortable for you to maintain.
  • Think of what you really want - A New Year's resolution should consist of things that you really want to do, not a to-do list of what you should do. A good way to do that is to limit the number of goals on the list to a small number. That way, you can focus better on those that you really want.
  • Stick to it and reward yourself often - Participating in a new task takes time to adjust and get used to, so keep trying. Be sure to also reward yourself for working hard, as we all deserve to do something nice for ourselves once in a while.
  • Be kind to yourself - If things don't work out, don't be upset or frustrated about it.


Getting in back-to-school mode after the holidays

Now that the new year has begun, school has also. For many, it is hard to get back into the daily routine of getting up early and focusing in school. Here are some tips that will help with this.
  • Use a daily agenda and set alarms - Making to-do lists or writing down important daily tasks or routines into a planner or an agenda is a great way to keep track of tasks as well as time. Sometimes when doing one task we tend to lose track of time which causes us to fall behind in doing other things. Using a planner or agenda and setting alarms will help to solve that problem.
  • Find what ways you learn best and plan ahead - Almost everyone prefers one way of learning or another whether it is visual, auditory, emulating, or hands-on. No matter what way it is, it is important to plan ahead. If you know about an upcoming test, quiz, project, or assignment, write it down and start working on it. It is always better to be ahead rather than behind and catching up last minute.
  • Sleep schedules - Many of us have this problem; our sleep schedules tend to diverge during the holidays as we tend to sleep at different times than usual. Sleep is important for your well-being, and plays a big role in your performance at school. Be sure to get enough sleep every night to function well the next day. It might be worth getting into a regular sleeping schedule a week before school starts, to help you get back into the routine.


Interesting Things (on TeenHelp)

A lot of content is posted to TeenHelp every single day, from threads to articles, social groups to albums. But it is difficult for even the most veteran user to keep on top of it all, so we have selected a few items from among the masses that we thought were interesting to draw your attention to.



Last dream you remember
We all have dreams, and the length of them can vary. What was the last dream that you remember? Share it with others here.

How was 2014?
A lot can happen in the course of a year. Sum your year up in a paragraph, and choose an adjective that best describes 2014 for you.

What hour do you normally go to sleep?
Are you a night owl, or do you prefer to go to sleep earlier? Share when you normally go to sleep and check out other users' sleeping habits here.

New Year's resolutions
What do you resolve to do in 2015? Have you chosen something entirely different to previous years? Share your New Year's resolutions here.

A whole year
A user posts about their recovery success. Read about it here, and remember that recovery is possible.



Do you ever have trouble finding words to express your true feelings? If so, take a look at this entry where true feelings are expressed through a poem.

Update Jan 2015
Now that 2015 has started, we all have things we are looking forward to. This entry talks about overcoming challenges and hoping for the best.

It's always good to look at the bright side of things. A lot of the time, positive thinking can lead to happiness. This entry talks about some positive things that a user looks forward to.


Social Groups

Anime/Manga lovers
This social group is for anyone who enjoys watching anime or manga. Join to discuss your favourite characters and TV shows with others who love anime and manga just as much as you do!

Dyslexia and other learning difficulties
Living with a learning difficulty can have its challenges, as it affects many aspects of your life. Join this social group to support others with different types of learning difficulties and feel free to share your experiences too.


Picture Of The Month

Each month we feature a picture by one of our users. If you would like to see your picture here please contact us by replying to this Newsletter, emailing us at contact@teenhelp.org, or messaging our Newsletter Officer (Halcyon) on the website.

Picture by LlamaLlamaDuck


Upcoming events

Discussion: Keeping New Year's resolutions (Saturday January 31st 2015)

Although it may seem relatively easy to make New Year's resolutions, many people have a tough time actually keeping them. This discussion will help you to explore strategies that will enable you to stick to your resolutions, including how to break your goals into achievable benchmarks, how to stay motivated, and more.

Discussion: Building confidence and self-esteem (Saturday February 7th 2015)

If you have low confidence or self-esteem you may find yourself unable to carry out certain tasks or feeling that you are disliked by others. These feelings might hold you back and stop you from enjoying life to its fullest. Join this discussion to learn techniques to give your self-esteem a boost, and how to work on building confidence for a more fulfilling lifestyle.

Discussion: Valentine's Day alternatives (Saturday February 14th 2014)

If you don't have a partner or significant other to celebrate Valentine's Day with, it doesn't mean it has to be a depressing occasion. Or, if you simply think that Valentine's Day is too commercialised, there are other ways that you can spread the love. Join this discussion to discuss alternative ways of spending Valentine's Day while having a good time.

For more information about upcoming Facilitated Chat Room Discussions (FCRDs), and the times that these discussions will take place, please visit our FCRD page.



Donate to TeenHelp

In order to continue providing free services to young people around the world, TeenHelp requires a constant income of voluntary donations to support our regular costs. If you are able to, we ask that you please donate any money you can to us, even if it's only a few dollars.



Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr

Our social networking pages are a great place to get a lot of high-quality information. We aim to connect you to interesting organisations, volunteering opportunities, events, news stories, pictures, videos, and more!

Facebook: http://www.teenhelp.org/facebook
Twitter: http://www.teenhelp.org/twitter
Tumblr: http://www.teenhelp.org/tumblr


Editorial team

Newsletter Officer/Editor-in-Chief: Haley (Halcyon)
Senior Newsletter Editor: Chris (Chris)
Newsletter Editor: Jenna (Lucent.)
Newsletter Editor: Chess (*~Skittles Martinski~* )
Newsletter Editor: Rishy (Saiyouri)

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