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The TeenHelp Project Blog contains a large collection of information about TeenHelp, and provides a place where you can discuss each news item, including TeenHelp's announcements, notices, and Newsletter releases, among other things.
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Newsletter #46 - What is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT); How to fight an alcohol addiction; Preventing the spread of flu.

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Posted January 18th 2014 at 02:15 PM by TeenHelp
Updated January 18th 2014 at 02:31 PM by Rob

Source: Newsletter | Issue 46 | If you would like to receive the full quality HTML version via email please sign up.

TeenHelp Newsletter

TeenHelp Newsletter #46 - January 18th 2014 - http://www.teenhelp.org

Welcome to the TeenHelp Newsletter! Our Newsletter contains a lot of useful information about our current work, including updates to our site and services, work with our partners and affiliates, details of upcoming events, short bits of advice, interesting links and more!


TeenHelp News

TeenHelp regularly makes changes to its site and services. Some of these are large and noticeable, and others are small and much less so, but each one contributes to the positive development of TeenHelp and how our users experience our community. Below are some of the most recent developments.


New resources - Hotlines (January 5th 2014)

A hotlines page has been recently added to TeenHelp to aid and encourage users to seek support from other sources in addition to using our features. These hotlines are useful for discussing specific issues with an operator in a counselling-type session over the telephone. On this newly added page, you can find hotlines that can help you in a time of crisis, as well as those that can assist you in finding services near you. You will also find a PDF download that contains key hotlines that you can print out and use at your disposal and share with other people who might be in need of someone to speak to.



Latest articles (January 1st 2014)

Our team of talented writers bring our users a constant stream of fresh articles to read each month. Articles are being published regularly, so be sure to check regularly to see what we're doing. Some of our latest additions include:

The basics of dialectical behaviour therapy

Dialectical behaviour therapy, or DBT, is one of the most commonly used therapy techniques. This article discusses its main goals, modules, and skills, as well as explaining its history, who it's suitable for, and why it is so effective.



Latest videos (January 1st 2014)

Due to the hard work of our Videos Team, we continue to see many great additions to our Videos section. More videos are being added all the time, so check regularly to see all our favourite picks! Some of our latest additions include:

How to wash your hands the right way

Avoiding germs, viruses, and other dangerous bacteria altogether is virtually impossible to do, especially when they live on everything you touch. Watch this video to learn about the easiest and healthiest way to rid yourself of the potentially sickening bacteria that you are exposed to on a daily basis.

How to come out to your family and friends as transgender

Coming out to your family and friends may be one of the hardest things you will have to do. This video provides you with beneficial tips and advice to walk you through the process of coming out to those you love.

How to choose a doctor

Choosing a good, knowledgeable, and caring doctor is not as simple as looking through a phone book. This video provides you with important things to remember when selecting a doctor, while also reminding you of the things you should be doing and aware of as a patient.

What is depression?

Sometimes we are unclear about the definition of words that are used frequently in day-to-day living. An example of this would be the word "depression". Watch this video to learn about what depression actually is, the effects of depression, and how depression can stem from just a word, into a lifelong issue without the proper treatment.

Addiction to love

Love may be one of the hardest emotions an average person will have to deal with in their lifetime. Love is so powerful, that you can actually become addicted to it. This video describes what a love addiction is, what a relationship with a love addict looks like, and the explanation of how love addiction can be an ending result.



New Newsletter Editor (December 26th 2013)

TeenHelp is very pleased to welcome Chris as a new editor for the Newsletter. Chris, a very dedicated volunteer, will no doubt play an important part in forthcoming Newsletter issues. Congratulations, Chris, and all the best in your new position!




TeenHelp works with a range of different organisations and websites in order to help and educate young people. Below is a selection of some of them. For a full list of the organisations we work with, please visit our Resources page.



Recovery Record

Recovery Record is a free mobile application that was developed to help people who are recovering from an eating disorder. By using Recovery Record, you can keep track of your progress by keeping a food log, along with a feelings log to monitor your emotions and thoughts. The Recovery Record application offers you the opportunity to take advantage of many different features including: Connecting with treatment providers, learning coping methods, setting goals for yourself, and receiving personal-set rewards for reaching those goals. Recovery Record is considered suitable for people aged 12 and over, and is very user friendly.

Available for free on Apple and Android devices through their application stores.


Tips Of The Month

Each month we share small bits of practical advice that you can implement to improve your life or that of others.


Anger management

Everyone experiences anger at some point in their lives, if not at some point every day, so it’s important to know how to manage it effectively.
  • If possible, remove yourself from the situation that is making you angry. Leave the room or go for a walk, and come back to the situation when you are feeling calmer. Exercise can help you feel better, but if you don't have space or time for that even just a quick walk will help.
  • If it’s not possible to completely move away from the environment that is causing your anger, it can be helpful to take a few deep breaths before saying or doing anything. This way you can make a more rational decision, rather than acting on your emotions.
  • If your anger is caused by another person, try to understand where they are coming from. By seeing things from the other person’s perspective, you are more likely to reduce your anger and be able to resolve the issue calmly.
  • If you are prone to bursts of anger, you can take steps in advance in order to minimise the damage. You can learn what your triggers are, and put plans in place to keep your anger under control; find methods which reduce your anger, and be ready to use them when you start to feel angry.
  • It is important not to let anger build up, so don’t just stop yourself from reacting in anger immediately – make sure you also deal with the residual feelings. You could do this by writing in a journal or talking about it; it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it’s safe and helps ensure that further anger doesn’t build up.


Fighting an alcohol addiction

Any addiction is hard to kick, but alcohol can definitely be one of the worst. If you or someone you know is struggling to overcome alcohol addiction, take a look at these tips.
  • Remove alcohol from as many areas of your life as you can. Get it out of your house, avoid going places where you know it will be present (even as a designated driver), and stay away from those aisles at the grocery store. If you keep it around you, it will be much harder to kick your addiction.
  • Let your friends and family know about your recovery. Forming a good support system is one of the best things you can do in these situations. Have them hold you accountable, spend time with them to distract yourself when you are tempted to drink, and keep them posted on your successes! Having your friends know also decreases the chances of them putting you in a situation where you might slip up.
  • Don't let your mistakes undermine your successes. Quitting is hard, especially if you are choosing to do it cold turkey. Every single day that you make it without drinking is a success. If you slip up once or twice, don't let that discourage you. Simply remember how far you did make it and push yourself to beat that this time.
  • Join Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or another support group. While confiding in friends can be beneficial, they might not always be the best equipped to help you out. By joining a support group you will be with other people who are working towards the same goal as you, and have people cheering you on along the way.


How to prevent the spread of flu

In many countries, this time of year can give rise to a number of illnesses, including Influenza (flu). Follow these tips to prevent the spread of flu.
  • Get a flu vaccination. If you were vaccinated during the last flu season, it will not be effective in the next one, as there are different strains every year.
  • Practice good hygiene habits such as covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with disposable tissues, which you can discard immediately after use. Wash your hands regularly, especially before eating, and keep a hand sanitiser with you to use in the absence of soap and water.
  • If you are infected with the flu, stay at home, but if you have to venture out, keep your distance from people, so as to avoid infecting them.
  • Open windows to change the air. Keeping the house ventilated will ensure that you don't breathe in stagnant air that may harbour germs.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that frequently come into contact with hands, such as tabletops, door handles, light switches, toilet flush handles, and telephones.


Interesting Things (on TeenHelp)

A lot of content is posted to TeenHelp every single day, from threads to articles, social groups to albums. But it is difficult for even the most veteran user to keep on top of it all, so we have selected a few items from among the masses that we thought were interesting to draw your attention to.



The power of words
In this thread you will see the true meaning behind how words can be delivered, and how they can be arranged to be more effective and inspiring.

What was the last dream you had?
We all dream. The question that remains is: what do we dream about? Explore, share, and have fun while discussing your latest dream!

What is your favourite restaurant?
We all have places in which we try to escape our issues and allow for relaxation. For some, a place that you can sit down and order food is just the answer! Share your favourite restaurant here!

If your favourite band/artist could cover any song
We all have artists and bands that we listen to on a regular basis, but if you could get one of them to cover any song, what would it be? Share your thoughts with others here.



Breathe me
People have different ways of expressing themselves. This user likes to write poetry. Read the poem here, and perhaps it might inspire you to write your own.

A letter for me and you
A user has written a heartfelt and affirmative letter about recovery to everyone on TeenHelp. Read the letter here.


Social Groups

Here for you
If you are having a bad day, it can be helpful to let it all out, to vent to someone who cares, without being judged. Join this group to vent your frustrations in a safe environment, and to lend a sympathetic ear.

I refuse to sink
If you want to fight for your life and refuse to sink, even though you are feeling down, join this group to receive encouragement and support, and to help others alike.


Picture Of The Month

Each month we feature a picture by one of our users. If you would like to see your picture here please contact us by replying to this Newsletter, emailing us at contact@teenhelp.org, or messaging our Newsletter Officer (Halcyon) on the website.

Picture by 2hot4u


Upcoming events

Discussion: Eating disorders (Saturday January 25th 2014)

Eating disorders can affect anyone at any time, can be devastating for your physical and mental health. Join our discussion to discuss the different kinds of eating disorders and to find out what we can do to ensure that we are free from eating disorders, and carry on with our everyday lives.

Discussion: Building confidence and self-esteem
(Saturday February 1st 2014)

If you have low confidence or self-esteem you may find yourself unable to carry out certain tasks or feeling that you are disliked by others. These feelings might hold you back and stop you from enjoying life to its fullest. Join this discussion to learn techniques to give your self-esteem a boost, and how to work on building confidence for a more fulfilling lifestyle.

Discussion: Sexual health (Saturday February 8th 2014)

Looking after our sexual health is an important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle, and our general well-being; poor sexual health can have both physical and emotional consequences. Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) are on the rise among young people, so it's important to be aware of the risks of sex and how to protect yourself and your partners from them. Join this discussion to learn about safe sex, STIs, contraception, and more.

Discussion: Dealing with triggers (Saturday February 15th 2014)

Triggers are anything that reminds you of negative feelings or makes you want to perform unhealthy or dangerous behaviours. Often these are unavoidable parts of life and are tough to deal with on your own. This discussion will help you learn to control any urges the triggers may cause and how to prevent them from affecting you.

Discussion: Learning to make friends (Saturday February 22nd 2014)

Friends can be a great source of comfort, warmth and support, and bring fun and enjoyment to our lives. Yet many of us find it difficult to make and keep friends. Join this discussion for advice building strong friendships and reinforcing the friendship that you may already have.

For more information about upcoming Facilitated Chat Room Discussions (FCRDs), and the times that these discussions will take place, please visit our FCRD page.



Donate to TeenHelp

In order to continue providing free services to young people around the world, TeenHelp requires a constant income of voluntary donations to support our regular costs. If you are able to, we ask that you please donate any money you can to us, even if it's only a few dollars.



Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr

Our social networking pages are a great place to get a lot of high-quality information. We aim to connect you to interesting organisations, volunteering opportunities, events, news stories, pictures, videos, and more!

Facebook: http://www.teenhelp.org/facebook
Twitter: http://www.teenhelp.org/twitter
Tumblr: http://www.teenhelp.org/tumblr


Editorial team

Newsletter Officer/Editor-in-Chief: Haley (Halcyon)
Assistant Editor: Chris (Chris)
Assistant Editor: Sammi (Masquerade.)
Assistant Editor: Chess (Syzygy.)

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