The TeenHelp Project Blog contains a large collection of information about TeenHelp, and provides a place where you can discuss each news item, including TeenHelp's announcements, notices, and Newsletter releases, among other things.
Newsletter #27 - Improving TeenHelp's services; gender identity; overcoming jealousy.
Posted June 16th 2012 at 04:00 PM by TeenHelp
Source: Newsletter | Issue 27 | If you would like to receive the full quality HTML version via email please sign up.
TeenHelp Newsletter #27 - June 16th 2012 -
Welcome to the TeenHelp Newsletter! Our Newsletter contains a lot of useful information about our current work, including updates to our site and services, work with our partners and affiliates, details of upcoming events, short bits of advice, interesting links and more!
TeenHelp regularly makes changes to its site and services. Some of these are large and noticeable, and others are small and much less so, but each one contributes to the positive development of TeenHelp and how our users experience our community. Below are some of the most recent developments.
Staff training and development (June 15th 2012)
In an effort to improve the quality of TeenHelp's services, in recent months we have started to develop a training programme for our volunteers. We have already developed and delivered training for the three committees (Disputes, Performance and Talent) and for Chat Moderators, and we will be gradually expanding the training for the remaining groups as well as general skills-based training that may be beneficial for any volunteers who wish to attend. TeenHelp cares about its volunteers and strives to help them develop their skills and support them in the best way possible, which will, in turn, benefit every person who uses the site.
Introducing Spotlights (June 5th 2012)
A new method of communication has been launched! 'Spotlights' provide useful information to members, which include areas of the site that they might not be aware of, reminders about rules and policies, and tips and tricks on how to get the most out of TeenHelp. Be sure to look out for the notices that will periodically appear at the top of the site to see what we're highlighting for our users.
Latest videos (June 4th 2012)
Due to the hard work of our Videos Team, we continue to see many great additions to our Videos section. More videos are being added all the time, so check regularly to see all our favourite picks! Some of our latest additions include:
Selecting a school for children with disabilities
Choosing the right school for your child is important so that he/she receives all the support they need in order to grow and develop. This video focuses on the educational implications of a number of the more common disabilities, and is definitely worth watching to complement any research in selecting a suitable school for children with disabilities.
Help loving an alcoholic
Alcohol addictions can affect anyone, and it can be painful and challenging to deal with. This video is aimed at friends and family of alcoholics, and provides some suggestions on how they can cope with the hurt and anger that they may be experiencing due to alcoholism.
Finding a job when you're at school
Having a job while you are at school can be beneficial, as you can gain valuable skills and experience that can be transferable to all walks of life. For those who are new to the world of work, this video includes finding a job that you want, and getting your foot in the door.
Ways to relax
Relaxation is key to a healthy and stress-free life. This video explores the different ways in which people can relax, and is a great resource if you want to reduce your daily pressures.
Latest articles (June 3rd 2012)
Our team of talented writers bring our users a constant stream of fresh articles to read each month. Articles are being published regularly, so be sure to check regularly to see what we're doing. Some of our latest additions include:
Gender identity - Terms to know
Gender identity is a subject that many people overlook or know little about. This article explains some of the basic terms associated with this issue and where to go if you want to find out more.
Conquering your anger
Anger is a natural human emotion, but many people don’t know how to safely and appropriately express it. This article gives some easy-to-follow steps to ensure you keep your anger in check.
Date rape drugs: What are they?
This article explains the features and effects of some of the most common date rape drugs. It also covers how to protect yourself from being drugged, and what to do if you think you have been.
Review of ‘The Book of Tomorrow’
This book is a coming-of-age novel which follows a young girl’s transformation from a self-centred child to someone with real responsibility. The review gives an overview of the storyline, as well as some of the positives and negatives of the book.
TeenHelp works with a range of different organisations and websites in order to help and educate young people. Below is a selection of some of them. For a full list of the organisations we work with, please visit our Resources page.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic, based in the USA, is a not-for-profit group practice of medical and scientific specialists, joined by the philosophy of putting the patient first. The website contains extensive information about ailments and their treatments, a symptom checker, articles about healthy lifestyles, essential first aid information, and much more. Overall, Mayo Clinic is a great resource with a plethora of useful information and tools to answer health-related questions.
LBGTLove was created by a TeenHelp user (Briana) and is a collaboration run by multiple people. The website is essentially a YouTube Channel that features plenty of advice, stories, and other LGBT-related items of interest. Its mission is to help anyone who needs it, and to let people know that they are not alone. This is defnitely a great place to go, if you belong to the LGBT community, or if you would like to find out more information.
Each month we share small bits of practical advice that you can implement to improve your life or that of others.
Job interview techniques
As the end of school is approaching, many of us are looking for part-time jobs to earn some money. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the other candidates.
Meditating for increased well-being
With hectic and fast-paced lifestyles, many people may feel stressed and over-worked. Meditating allows your mind to go into a passive state, which can help you to increase your focus, to perceive things more clearly, and to improve your mindset. Here are some suggestions on how you can get started.
How to deal with jealous feelings
Jealousy is a natural emotion that many of us will have experienced in our lifetimes, and while it can motivate us to do better, it can also cause destructive emotional reactions if it is not kept in check. Here are a few tips to help you reduce those negative feelings.
A lot of content is posted to TeenHelp every single day, from threads to articles, social groups to albums. But it is difficult for even the most veteran user to keep on top of it all, so we have selected a few items from among the masses that we thought were interesting to draw your attention to.
Marriage at a younger age v. marriage at an older age
What do you think the appeal of getting married at such a young age is? Do you think it would be better to wait until you're older? Discuss the issue here!
I think I'm transgender?
Discovering one's gender identity can be confusing. Read words of encouragement and support from users, and take a look at the helpful links that have also been included.
90s TV shows
What 90s TV shows did you enjoy watching? Reminisce with other TeenHelp users here!
Reasons for recovery
Eating disorders are hard to recover from. A lot of us struggle with finding the right motivation to move forward in recovery. This thread lists reasons to recover.
Social Groups
Eating Disorder Troubles
Do you know someone who is affected by an eating disorder, or do you suffer from one yourself? Join this group for support and advice from peers who have been through similar difficulties to you.
Misunderstood Minority
If you belong to an ethnic minority group, and wish to rise above all the hate and stereotypes, join this group to connect with like-minded people and be united together.
Each month we feature a picture by one of our users. If you would like to see your picture here please contact us by replying to this Newsletter, emailing us at, or messaging our Newsletter Officer (Halcyon) on the website.

Picture by Intoxicated Brutality
Upcoming events
Discussion: LGBT, sexuality and gender identity (Saturday June 16th 2012)
Do you feel discriminated against because of your sexual orientation? Do you need some support in 'coming out'? Discovering your sexual orientation can be a very confusing, lonely and isolating time. You may not know anyone else who feels the same way as you do, and you may feel worried and concerned that your peers will not accept you. Join this discussion for advice and support, and to ask any questions surrounding LGBT, sexuality and gender identity issues.
Discussion: Building confidence and self-esteem (Saturday June 23rd 2012)
If you have low confidence or self-esteem you may find yourself unable to carry out certain tasks or feeling that you are disliked by others. These feelings might hold you back and stop you from enjoying life to its fullest. Join this discussion to learn techniques to give your self-esteem a boost, and how to work on building confidence for a more fulfilling lifestyle.
Discussion: Peer pressure and bullying (Saturday June 30th 2012)
The pressure to conform in order to be accepted is very prevalent in today's society, as is the act of bullying if someone appears to be different in some way. Join this discussion if you are being bullied or pressured into doing something against your will, or to learn more about how to help someone who is being targeted.
Discussion: Dealing with triggers (Saturday July 7th 2012)
Triggers are anything that reminds you of negative feelings or makes you want to perform unhealthy or dangerous behaviours. Often these are unavoidable parts of life and are tough to deal with on your own. This discussion will help you learn to control any urges the triggers may cause and how to prevent them from affecting you.
Discussion: Substance use (Saturday July 14th 2012)
Substance use may start with experimentation, but can often lead to dependency, the consequences of which can vary from minor risks to life threatening situations. If you are struggling with substance use, or want to help a loved one, this discussion can support you through it.
For more information about upcoming Facilitated Chat Room Discussions (FCRDs), and the times that these discussions will take place, please visit our FCRD page.
100,000 threads
Together TeenHelp's users have now taken part in over one hundred thousand threads. These discussions have included advice seeking, sharing of hobbies and practice of one's debating skills. Check out our "Interesting Things" section for a selection of threads or visit our Support Forums to join in.
Donate to TeenHelp
In order to continue providing free services to young people around the world, TeenHelp requires a constant income of voluntary donations to support our regular costs. If you are able to, we ask that you please donate any money you can to us, even if it's only a few dollars.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Our Facebook and Twitter pages are a great place to get a lot of high-quality information. We aim to connect you to interesting organisations, volunteering opportunities, events, news stories, pictures, videos, and more!
Editorial team
Editor-in-Chief: Rob
Newsletter Officer/Deputy Editor: Haley (Halcyon)
Assistant Editor: Jessie (eunoia)
Assistant Editor: Lyndsee (Heartlines.)
Assistant Editor: Rianna (Sunlight.)
TeenHelp Newsletter
TeenHelp Newsletter #27 - June 16th 2012 -
Welcome to the TeenHelp Newsletter! Our Newsletter contains a lot of useful information about our current work, including updates to our site and services, work with our partners and affiliates, details of upcoming events, short bits of advice, interesting links and more!
TeenHelp News
TeenHelp regularly makes changes to its site and services. Some of these are large and noticeable, and others are small and much less so, but each one contributes to the positive development of TeenHelp and how our users experience our community. Below are some of the most recent developments.
Staff training and development (June 15th 2012)
In an effort to improve the quality of TeenHelp's services, in recent months we have started to develop a training programme for our volunteers. We have already developed and delivered training for the three committees (Disputes, Performance and Talent) and for Chat Moderators, and we will be gradually expanding the training for the remaining groups as well as general skills-based training that may be beneficial for any volunteers who wish to attend. TeenHelp cares about its volunteers and strives to help them develop their skills and support them in the best way possible, which will, in turn, benefit every person who uses the site.
Introducing Spotlights (June 5th 2012)
A new method of communication has been launched! 'Spotlights' provide useful information to members, which include areas of the site that they might not be aware of, reminders about rules and policies, and tips and tricks on how to get the most out of TeenHelp. Be sure to look out for the notices that will periodically appear at the top of the site to see what we're highlighting for our users.
Latest videos (June 4th 2012)
Due to the hard work of our Videos Team, we continue to see many great additions to our Videos section. More videos are being added all the time, so check regularly to see all our favourite picks! Some of our latest additions include:
Selecting a school for children with disabilities
Choosing the right school for your child is important so that he/she receives all the support they need in order to grow and develop. This video focuses on the educational implications of a number of the more common disabilities, and is definitely worth watching to complement any research in selecting a suitable school for children with disabilities.
Help loving an alcoholic
Alcohol addictions can affect anyone, and it can be painful and challenging to deal with. This video is aimed at friends and family of alcoholics, and provides some suggestions on how they can cope with the hurt and anger that they may be experiencing due to alcoholism.
Finding a job when you're at school
Having a job while you are at school can be beneficial, as you can gain valuable skills and experience that can be transferable to all walks of life. For those who are new to the world of work, this video includes finding a job that you want, and getting your foot in the door.
Ways to relax
Relaxation is key to a healthy and stress-free life. This video explores the different ways in which people can relax, and is a great resource if you want to reduce your daily pressures.
Latest articles (June 3rd 2012)
Our team of talented writers bring our users a constant stream of fresh articles to read each month. Articles are being published regularly, so be sure to check regularly to see what we're doing. Some of our latest additions include:
Gender identity - Terms to know
Gender identity is a subject that many people overlook or know little about. This article explains some of the basic terms associated with this issue and where to go if you want to find out more.
Conquering your anger
Anger is a natural human emotion, but many people don’t know how to safely and appropriately express it. This article gives some easy-to-follow steps to ensure you keep your anger in check.
Date rape drugs: What are they?
This article explains the features and effects of some of the most common date rape drugs. It also covers how to protect yourself from being drugged, and what to do if you think you have been.
Review of ‘The Book of Tomorrow’
This book is a coming-of-age novel which follows a young girl’s transformation from a self-centred child to someone with real responsibility. The review gives an overview of the storyline, as well as some of the positives and negatives of the book.
TeenHelp works with a range of different organisations and websites in order to help and educate young people. Below is a selection of some of them. For a full list of the organisations we work with, please visit our Resources page.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic, based in the USA, is a not-for-profit group practice of medical and scientific specialists, joined by the philosophy of putting the patient first. The website contains extensive information about ailments and their treatments, a symptom checker, articles about healthy lifestyles, essential first aid information, and much more. Overall, Mayo Clinic is a great resource with a plethora of useful information and tools to answer health-related questions.
LBGTLove was created by a TeenHelp user (Briana) and is a collaboration run by multiple people. The website is essentially a YouTube Channel that features plenty of advice, stories, and other LGBT-related items of interest. Its mission is to help anyone who needs it, and to let people know that they are not alone. This is defnitely a great place to go, if you belong to the LGBT community, or if you would like to find out more information.
Tips Of The Month
Each month we share small bits of practical advice that you can implement to improve your life or that of others.
Job interview techniques
As the end of school is approaching, many of us are looking for part-time jobs to earn some money. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the other candidates.
- Leave home a little early. Plan your route beforehand, taking into account possible disruptions to your travel, as there is nothing worse than being late for your interview.
- First impressions are important. Wear clean and simple, sensible clothing, avoiding bright and clashing colours. Use fragrance sparingly, and don't chew gum or smoke.
- Focus on the positives and what you have gained from your experiences. Promote your strengths and speak with a clear and audible tone of voice. Don't forget to let your personality shine through while remaining professional.
- Be aware of your body language. Maintain eye contact, sit up straight, and try to control nervous habits, such as fidgeting and shaking your legs.
- Research the organisation and prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer. Remember to listen carefully, as your questions may be answered during the course of the interview.
- Practice makes perfect. Go through practice questions with friends and family, and make sure you know your examples thoroughly.
Meditating for increased well-being
With hectic and fast-paced lifestyles, many people may feel stressed and over-worked. Meditating allows your mind to go into a passive state, which can help you to increase your focus, to perceive things more clearly, and to improve your mindset. Here are some suggestions on how you can get started.
- Set aside some time to mediate; even ten minutes is sufficient, if that is all the time you have available. The best time to meditate is generally in the morning, before your body becomes tired from a long and busy day.
- Find an environment free from distractions. You may wish to put on some soft, calming, nature music to help your concentration. Lighting a candle can also create a warm, calming atmosphere.
- Meditation can be done while sitting, lying down, standing or walking. If you are trying this for the first time, sit in a comfortable position. You do not need to adopt the half lotus or full lotus posture. Keep your back straight, but not uptight, and relax your arms and legs.
- Search out areas in your body that are not relaxed and relax them. You may need to re-adjust your position in order to let your muscles relax.
- Close your eyes and become aware of your breathing. Count your in-breath, and if it lasts for six seconds, say in your mind, "Breathing in, I am calm", or words to a similar effect while you inhale. Then, count your out-breath and choose some words to say while you exhale. You may prefer to count your breath, 1-2-3-4-5-6, to begin with. Do this ten times.
- If you experience intruding thoughts, or if your mind wanders, imagine a calm, peaceful place. Perhaps visualise walking through a beautiful, green garden, until you feel relaxed.
How to deal with jealous feelings
Jealousy is a natural emotion that many of us will have experienced in our lifetimes, and while it can motivate us to do better, it can also cause destructive emotional reactions if it is not kept in check. Here are a few tips to help you reduce those negative feelings.
- Assess your emotions. In order to tackle your jealousy, it is important to find the root cause of it. Which situations trigger feelings of jealousy? Write down your thoughts to help you be aware of your thinking processes.
- Try not to react in a negative way; don't accuse anyone, or show signs of displeasure. Do the exact opposite and offer your kindness, as it is impossible to fight negativity with more negativity. Wait until you have calmed down until you communicate your feelings.
- If you are jealous of a particular person, stop putting them at the center of your attention. For example, stop checking their Facebook page. Change your focus by finding a distraction, such as starting a new hobby.
- Stop comparing yourself with others. Everyone is different, so learn to be happy with yourself and what you have. Make a list of all your good points; acknowledge your achievements and your strengths, and start building up your self-confidence.
- Examine your feelings and consider whether any of your beliefs could be false. These feelings may fuel jealousy. Remember that what you are feeling does not necessarily make the situation true.
Interesting Things (on TeenHelp)
A lot of content is posted to TeenHelp every single day, from threads to articles, social groups to albums. But it is difficult for even the most veteran user to keep on top of it all, so we have selected a few items from among the masses that we thought were interesting to draw your attention to.
Marriage at a younger age v. marriage at an older age
What do you think the appeal of getting married at such a young age is? Do you think it would be better to wait until you're older? Discuss the issue here!
I think I'm transgender?
Discovering one's gender identity can be confusing. Read words of encouragement and support from users, and take a look at the helpful links that have also been included.
90s TV shows
What 90s TV shows did you enjoy watching? Reminisce with other TeenHelp users here!
Reasons for recovery
Eating disorders are hard to recover from. A lot of us struggle with finding the right motivation to move forward in recovery. This thread lists reasons to recover.
Social Groups
Eating Disorder Troubles
Do you know someone who is affected by an eating disorder, or do you suffer from one yourself? Join this group for support and advice from peers who have been through similar difficulties to you.
Misunderstood Minority
If you belong to an ethnic minority group, and wish to rise above all the hate and stereotypes, join this group to connect with like-minded people and be united together.
Picture Of The Month
Each month we feature a picture by one of our users. If you would like to see your picture here please contact us by replying to this Newsletter, emailing us at, or messaging our Newsletter Officer (Halcyon) on the website.

Picture by Intoxicated Brutality
Upcoming events
Discussion: LGBT, sexuality and gender identity (Saturday June 16th 2012)
Do you feel discriminated against because of your sexual orientation? Do you need some support in 'coming out'? Discovering your sexual orientation can be a very confusing, lonely and isolating time. You may not know anyone else who feels the same way as you do, and you may feel worried and concerned that your peers will not accept you. Join this discussion for advice and support, and to ask any questions surrounding LGBT, sexuality and gender identity issues.
Discussion: Building confidence and self-esteem (Saturday June 23rd 2012)
If you have low confidence or self-esteem you may find yourself unable to carry out certain tasks or feeling that you are disliked by others. These feelings might hold you back and stop you from enjoying life to its fullest. Join this discussion to learn techniques to give your self-esteem a boost, and how to work on building confidence for a more fulfilling lifestyle.
Discussion: Peer pressure and bullying (Saturday June 30th 2012)
The pressure to conform in order to be accepted is very prevalent in today's society, as is the act of bullying if someone appears to be different in some way. Join this discussion if you are being bullied or pressured into doing something against your will, or to learn more about how to help someone who is being targeted.
Discussion: Dealing with triggers (Saturday July 7th 2012)
Triggers are anything that reminds you of negative feelings or makes you want to perform unhealthy or dangerous behaviours. Often these are unavoidable parts of life and are tough to deal with on your own. This discussion will help you learn to control any urges the triggers may cause and how to prevent them from affecting you.
Discussion: Substance use (Saturday July 14th 2012)
Substance use may start with experimentation, but can often lead to dependency, the consequences of which can vary from minor risks to life threatening situations. If you are struggling with substance use, or want to help a loved one, this discussion can support you through it.
For more information about upcoming Facilitated Chat Room Discussions (FCRDs), and the times that these discussions will take place, please visit our FCRD page.
100,000 threads
Together TeenHelp's users have now taken part in over one hundred thousand threads. These discussions have included advice seeking, sharing of hobbies and practice of one's debating skills. Check out our "Interesting Things" section for a selection of threads or visit our Support Forums to join in.
Donate to TeenHelp
In order to continue providing free services to young people around the world, TeenHelp requires a constant income of voluntary donations to support our regular costs. If you are able to, we ask that you please donate any money you can to us, even if it's only a few dollars.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Our Facebook and Twitter pages are a great place to get a lot of high-quality information. We aim to connect you to interesting organisations, volunteering opportunities, events, news stories, pictures, videos, and more!
Editorial team
Editor-in-Chief: Rob
Newsletter Officer/Deputy Editor: Haley (Halcyon)
Assistant Editor: Jessie (eunoia)
Assistant Editor: Lyndsee (Heartlines.)
Assistant Editor: Rianna (Sunlight.)
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