The TeenHelp Project Blog contains a large collection of information about TeenHelp, and provides a place where you can discuss each news item, including TeenHelp's announcements, notices, and Newsletter releases, among other things.
TeenHelp is now a teenager!
Posted July 13th 2011 at 12:00 PM by TeenHelp
Source: Announcements forum | Thread.
TeenHelp has been having a bit of a hard time lately - it's got terrible acne, has found hair in new places, and is struggling to get a girlfriend and/or boyfriend! Having survived the perils of childhood, TeenHelp is now ready to embark on the challenges of adolescence as it celebrates its thirteenth birthday!
In the last thirteen years TeenHelp has accomplished a lot. Rising as one of the first online support sites, it has since grown tremendously to offer support to young people in an ever-increasingly number of ways. Although we've certainly had our fair share of hiccups along the way, our ability to deal with the obstacles facing us has enabled us to bounce back and continue our important work! Of course, none of what we have done could have been achieved without the hard work of all our volunteers and users, who tirelessly dedicate their time to making TeenHelp what it is.
So today we raise our glasses to you, TeenHelp, in celebration of all you have done and will continue to do! [Though you can't drink for a few years yet, sorry!]
TeenHelp is now a teenager!
TeenHelp has been having a bit of a hard time lately - it's got terrible acne, has found hair in new places, and is struggling to get a girlfriend and/or boyfriend! Having survived the perils of childhood, TeenHelp is now ready to embark on the challenges of adolescence as it celebrates its thirteenth birthday!
In the last thirteen years TeenHelp has accomplished a lot. Rising as one of the first online support sites, it has since grown tremendously to offer support to young people in an ever-increasingly number of ways. Although we've certainly had our fair share of hiccups along the way, our ability to deal with the obstacles facing us has enabled us to bounce back and continue our important work! Of course, none of what we have done could have been achieved without the hard work of all our volunteers and users, who tirelessly dedicate their time to making TeenHelp what it is.
So today we raise our glasses to you, TeenHelp, in celebration of all you have done and will continue to do! [Though you can't drink for a few years yet, sorry!]

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