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Christmas Eve and Christmas... (Triggering)

Posted December 26th 2012 at 05:58 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
Updated December 26th 2012 at 06:03 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯

I'll start with Christmas first. It was cool, any other day. I got the clothes I wanted, a lava lamp, season 1 of Law & Order: SVU, Sims, and books. So basically besides family time I was reading Tilt by Ellen Hopkins (Finished it!) and playing Sims all day. It was awesome. And my sister liked the gift I got her. We even got gifts for my niece even though technically she's not here yet. Expect another blog entry when she arrives, and maybe a forum post.

But Christmas Eve? Yesterday...
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I wonder what the hell this is. (triggering)

Posted October 15th 2012 at 01:30 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
Tags pills, suicide

Three doses. Three doses of pills were added to my collection. I haven't done that in quite a long time.

I don't even feel suicidal. I've felt down. But not suicidal.

So why the hell am I still storing pills? What the hell is this?
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Still at a loss for words... (Triggering)

Posted September 1st 2012 at 04:49 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

I don't even know. Ever since a few days before school started I've been feeling depressed, or maybe anxious, or a bit of both again. I don't really want to do work or accept the new changes and personally I find everything kind of hellish right now. The classes, some of the people, everything. I sat there in class yesterday and randomly felt like crying and there have been times where I have felt that pressure in my chest, that sad-scared feeling in my heart.

I'm tired, but I'm never...
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I told you to be fine. *triggering*

Posted August 18th 2012 at 09:59 PM by escape♥

Come on skinny love, just last the year.

I slipped up. Sliced my thighs open. It was almost 2 months.
Pour a little salt, we were never here.

I'm scared. The thoughts and urges have never been this bad. E is supposed to come over tomorrow to celebrate my birtday, and he said he's going to take and destroy my blade. I don't know what I'll do with out it.
My my my- my my my- my my my.
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer.

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Enough. *trig*

Posted August 8th 2012 at 03:56 AM by escape♥
Updated August 8th 2012 at 04:26 AM by escape♥

I'm so done. I'm trying, and fighting everything with my whole exsistence, and it's never enough. Never fighting strong enough, never good enough, thin enough, deep enough. Never enough.
The self-hatred is growing in me like a cancer. Raging like a bull, getting more and more intense every day.
I would do anything to be thin. And I mean literally anything. You name
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I'm losing myself. *trig*

Posted June 29th 2012 at 02:38 PM by escape♥

How do I even explain what's racing through my head right now? Never good enough, never deep enough, never thin enough. Cut. Cut. Cut. Slice myself up. Cut deeper than ever before last night. You could see the fat of my thigh in the cut, and yet, it doesn't hurt anymore. It even started healing, and I hate it. I WANT to feel the pain..does that even make sense? Probably not. I doubt anyone will even read this.
I'm sorry, I'm just rambling nonsense. Never lost enough weight, never cut deep...
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I hate this so much. (TRIGGERING)

Posted May 3rd 2012 at 11:59 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

No matter how many times people try to convince me otherwise, no matter how many times I try to convince myself otherwise, I always feel in my heart that I'll never be good enough. That no matter how hard I try it'll never be enough. That I'll never succeed. That nothing will ever change for me.

I go through periods of doing good. Today was one of my better days in THREE WEEKS. But I know it won't last. It never lasts. I've been so depressed lately even though I never show it, everything...
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Suicide Survivor Story

Posted April 19th 2012 at 11:26 PM by Flavalicious

If you're thinking of killing yourself, please read this - a suicide survivor's story.
Source: Suicide Awareness Voices of Education SAVE

This message is for those of you who are thinking about killing yourselves.

Like you, I did not really want to kill myself. I just wanted the overwhelming pain to stop. It felt like I was having a 24 hour anxiety attack. I could not concentrate. I was obsessing on fearful thoughts and feelings. My adrenalin...
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Confusion? (TRIG)

Posted January 31st 2012 at 03:28 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

I had a pretty good week last week I guess. Nothing major happened. But yet this week, still nothing has happened and I find my negative thoughts have returned.

My motivation has been down the toilet for a while but yet I still get upset when I don't do well on something. I haven't felt any strong emotions but yet I'm still sitting here thinking all negatively. I'm a failure who will never get anywhere and I feel ugly and wish I could get hit by the nearest bus or something because...
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Posted January 17th 2012 at 01:50 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

Sometimes I think that I am fighting a losing battle over here.
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