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He got a job! :D

Posted April 7th 2013 at 06:31 PM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
Tags bar, job, jon, pub, sleep

That's right, Jon finally found a job. His uncle is close friends with the owner of this pub downtown, so he was able to get a job there since they needed someone pretty bad. It's not easy work though, his shift is 11 hours long!

He called me this morning at 10, which surprised me because he didn't get off work until 3 am. He told me about his day, making pizzas and chicken, washing dishes, severely burning his thumb and index finger. He said it's hard work, but he's just happy...
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Skittles Minion
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Views 515 Comments 1 Koharuchan is offline

Happy (belated) New Year!

Posted January 4th 2013 at 06:37 PM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
Tags fun, games, party, sleep, year

Yaaaay, it's the new year! Unfortunately I've been too busy to come online the last few days. I hope you guys didn't party too hard on New Year's Eve.

I partied with Jon and his family, and it was nice. They had a big fire in the backyard and we made smores! Unfortunately there wasn't enough chocolate for everyone because he has such a big family, so Jon managed to grab the last of the chocolate and he gave me half of his. After that we went over to where his brother was...
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Skittles Minion
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This is Incredible.

Posted December 10th 2012 at 01:46 AM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)

I'm still trying to wrap my head around what happened. I've been trying to pull this off for a year now, I didn't think it would ever happen.

On Thursday I sat down and had a talk with my conservative, over-protective, old fashioned mom. I stayed very calm and respectful. She didn't, however. Even though I asked her before I ever started talking to please, please let me say everything I had to say before she jumped in, she must've interrupted me at least 10 times. And she yelled....
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Skittles Minion
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