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Glad I'm not dating. And confusion.

Posted September 29th 2013 at 03:42 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

I'm sure some of you who have answered my HelpLINK ticket once remember that I was thinking of going on a date with this one girl? Well, I realized that it wouldn't work out because of how busy I am. I stopped texting her basically, but it really was accidental that I did. I just was always way too busy to text her back, and eventually she gave up.

I went to her Facebook page today. She already has a girlfriend. She seemed so desperate to get with me, too. I don't know, it seems strange....
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Living the dream.
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Still at a loss for words... (Triggering)

Posted September 1st 2012 at 04:49 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

I don't even know. Ever since a few days before school started I've been feeling depressed, or maybe anxious, or a bit of both again. I don't really want to do work or accept the new changes and personally I find everything kind of hellish right now. The classes, some of the people, everything. I sat there in class yesterday and randomly felt like crying and there have been times where I have felt that pressure in my chest, that sad-scared feeling in my heart.

I'm tired, but I'm never...
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Living the dream.
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I'd love to know who I am (STRONG LANGUAGE?)

Posted December 30th 2011 at 06:05 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

I know I'm only fifteen. I know that I have quite some time left to figure this stuff out. I know that labels are just made by society and things change, that you don't always fit into one label. I was talking to someone on here tonight and he really helped me with that and I really appreciate that. This person hopefully knows who I am talking about, and if he stumbles across this, thank you so much.
I really would love to know who the fuck I am, though. A lot of the time I think that I am...
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Living the dream.
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