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I don't have a voice anyway. (Triggering)

Posted November 2nd 2013 at 03:56 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
Updated November 2nd 2013 at 04:19 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯

Meeting with my therapist was today.

Went shitty. As expected. Don't know why I expected it to go any less.

Mom doesn't listen to anything someone says. I tell her my side of things and she just disagrees or brushes it off or puts it all on college. My therapist tells her she is worried that I'll end up dead someday (I agree) and my mom flips shit, screams at her, and leaves.

Yells at me throughout the entire car ride about how they're just thoughts and everyone...
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Living the dream.
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Just thoughts. (triggering)

Posted March 6th 2013 at 01:56 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

Warning ahead of time: I do not mean to insult smokers here.

I find the fact my mom's trying to take away cutting but yet I'm still secretly doing it funny, in a way.

Both of us are liars. Both my mom and I are liars.

I think her lies are worse.

She smokes. After my dad got cancer in 4th grade she said she would be completely honest with me and that they'd quit. I don't know if my dad fully quit or not and honestly I'm not angry with him...
¯|_(ツ)_|¯'s Avatar
Living the dream.
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Views 618 Comments 4 ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ is offline
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