They say that it can be scary when you approach
someone for the first time, and you fear what could
possibly happen.
You play the game inside your head whether to
approach the person you see in front of you,
or if you’ll end up wasting your time.
You get so nervous, your heart’s racing,
you’re pacing back and forth inside your head,
and you’re just not sure what to do.
Don’t overthink it.
Have courage...
An Inspiration For The Broken
Views 630
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This is gonna be a hard message for you to hear,
but I only express this to you because the sooner
that you understand this, the better off you’ll be.
Stop looking to other people to complete you.
I get it. I can relate to the feeling when you have
that one friend you can always count on, or you have
that one boyfriend/girlfriend who loves you unconditionally.
It’s awesome to have those people who will be
there for you,...
An Inspiration For The Broken
Views 597
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Posted September 24th 2012 at 11:22 PM by escape♥
I miss having multiple, multiple reasons to laugh and smile every day, I miss seeing your face, your eyes, every single day. I miss feeling your hand in mine, I miss being happy to be alive in the morning, I miss not lying when I said “I’m doing great” or “I’m fine”. I miss feeling loved, I miss everything.
I miss being in a good place. I miss not wanting to cut through my skin, day in and day out. I miss being h a p...
Happiness is waiting for you<3
Views 781
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Posted August 26th 2012 at 11:55 PM by escape♥
School starts tomorrow. Somebody shoot me now.
I don't know what I'm going to do, how I'm going to hold up. Between all the hard classes, driving school, and a new "excersize plan" I don't know if I'll have time to breath.
E is being optimistic. We met at my old highschool last year, and now I'm moving to a new highschool, (it's a "magnet...
Happiness is waiting for you<3
Views 535
Comments 2
Posted July 20th 2011 at 06:47 AM by Lovespentinthedark (This is not the end of your story....)
I am trying so damn hard. I can't take this. I'm supposed to be recovering?! If I could find my damn razor, I would cut myself. I have been cut free for how long now, and as soon as I want to do it, I can't. I am tired of hiding everything from everyone I know. Especially my wonderful, loving boyfriend. I HATE hiding things from him. We have been together for 2 years and 6 months, and yet I hide this from him.
Plus, he leaves in less than 2 months for Marines basic training and then...
Views 696
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Posted June 17th 2011 at 06:20 AM by Hopeyyy
I missyou alot Bryan..please come back yuur my life. I want to die because Im without yuu plz talk to me I cant take this pain i see people who are always happy and it makes me sick my friends even got over their exs but im still in love with yuu and i dont want to be if yuur not in love with me i wanna die and die i want to make a sucode attempt again....but this time..yuu wont be able to save me...because yuu dnt care...i love yuu.i wish yui would read this....i wish soneomne would text yuu this...text...
Views 494
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