I know what you're thinking.
When you go through a setback
Such as losing a friend,
Breaking up with a significant other,
Or maybe you're having trouble
Going after what you want,
Going after your dreams.
You hear that cold, negative voice
Telling you that you can't have it,
That you can't do it,
That you're not meant
To do something big with your life,
That you'll never be good enough
An Inspiration For The Broken
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Tags blithe, college, cost, depressed, depression, hurt, life, parents, pay, religion, school, secret_society123, smile
I haven't posted in a while and thought it would be a good idea.
Exams are coming up this week. Ugh.
I had a pretty good holiday.
I have been on my instagram quite a lot.
I want to let you know that if you are reading this and are in a tough spot right now, I totally understand.
If you feel the need to send me a message or email me, that's great! I've been in a great mood the past week and feel that I should be helping others with it. It's not a great idea...
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Tags about me, addme, cat, dog, fish, followme, happy, highschool, instagram, life, pets, senior, seventeen, shrimp, youtube
Hello Teen Help!
My name is Sammi. I love animals, Hot Topic, and Black Veil Brides.
My favorite kind of music is Rock or Metal.
I have a Yorkie Apso named Sadie, and a Siamese Himalayan mix named Salty.
I run a 30 gallon saltwater fish tank with A scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp named shrimpy, a yellow goby named Sunshine, a firefish named Flame, and a fish my dad bought with stripes and a green tail. I think he is a six line wrasse. I named him stripey. 
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Hi everyone my blog will be a time's funny, sad, uplifting, deppressing, and familiar to your life. Im 14 so this is from a teenage girls perspective and this is my rollercoaster of a life. I will try and blog as much as I can but no promises  xxx have fun reading about my life xx
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Posted January 25th 2013 at 03:53 AM by escape♥
Tags break up, depression, eating disorder, life, lonely, long time, negative, pictures, positive, self harm, suicidal, update
Wow, TeenHelp. It’s been quite some time since I last posted here, and my life as changed in all sorts of ways.
Well, let’s with the positive then. I started learning to drive around Christmas time, got my permit & everything. I got my braces off in November, and plans for me to get a car before/on my 16th birthday are in place…uh yeah. I can’t think of much positive at the moment. :c
Happiness is waiting for you<3
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