Not too long ago, I met a girl online who
I thought at the time was worth getting to know.
She sounded like she could relate to me,
she sounded like we had a similar way of thinking,
and at the time, I felt like I was “falling in love.”
We texted each other almost every day,
and we even had a few meaningful video chat
conversations and spent hours talking to each other.
I thought she was the one.
After a month...
An Inspiration For The Broken
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In a world where technology has become
so advanced and programmed to be in an
instant gratification kind of mentality, we’ve
been so spoiled with that mentality.
When we want an item we can’t find in store,
no problem. Order it on Amazon, and it shows
up within the next day, fast and easy.
You want to order some food but don’t
want to get in your car and drive all the
way to the food place to get it to go, no problem....
An Inspiration For The Broken
Views 521
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You meet somebody for the first time.
This person looks like they could potentially
be your friend, or possibly even your boyfriend/girlfriend.
Conversation goes really good.
You exchange numbers.
You feel excited because now there’s an
opportunity for you to get to know that person,
and it could be the start of something wonderful.
As soon as you get home, you immediately start
texting the other...
An Inspiration For The Broken
Views 511
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They say that it can be scary when you approach
someone for the first time, and you fear what could
possibly happen.
You play the game inside your head whether to
approach the person you see in front of you,
or if you’ll end up wasting your time.
You get so nervous, your heart’s racing,
you’re pacing back and forth inside your head,
and you’re just not sure what to do.
Don’t overthink it.
Have courage...
An Inspiration For The Broken
Views 673
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This is gonna be a hard message for you to hear,
but I only express this to you because the sooner
that you understand this, the better off you’ll be.
Stop looking to other people to complete you.
I get it. I can relate to the feeling when you have
that one friend you can always count on, or you have
that one boyfriend/girlfriend who loves you unconditionally.
It’s awesome to have those people who will be
there for you,...
An Inspiration For The Broken
Views 643
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The past will always come back to haunt you
if you choose to focus on it and never let it go.
I understand how you’re feeling.
You’ve been wronged in the past too many times,
but here’s something to think about:
Do you honestly think those people who wronged you
are even thinking about you?
Chances are most likely not.
So why spend so much time thinking about that
person, those people who wronged...
An Inspiration For The Broken
Views 656
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I know what you're thinking.
When you go through a setback
Such as losing a friend,
Breaking up with a significant other,
Or maybe you're having trouble
Going after what you want,
Going after your dreams.
You hear that cold, negative voice
Telling you that you can't have it,
That you can't do it,
That you're not meant
To do something big with your life,
That you'll never be good enough
An Inspiration For The Broken
Views 699
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