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If You’re Waiting By Your Phone For A Text…

Posted August 11th 2019 at 05:07 AM by CrusadingAvenger (The Wisdom Central)

You meet somebody for the first time.

This person looks like they could potentially
be your friend, or possibly even your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Conversation goes really good.

You exchange numbers.

You feel excited because now there’s an
opportunity for you to get to know that person,
and it could be the start of something wonderful.

As soon as you get home, you immediately start
texting the other
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I Urge You To Give It Time

Posted August 7th 2019 at 08:35 PM by CrusadingAvenger (The Wisdom Central)

They say that it can be scary when you approach
someone for the first time, and you fear what could
possibly happen.

You play the game inside your head whether to
approach the person you see in front of you,
or if you’ll end up wasting your time.

You get so nervous, your heart’s racing,
you’re pacing back and forth inside your head,
and you’re just not sure what to do.

Don’t overthink it.

Have courage
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If You've Been Feeling Sad, Read This

Posted June 2nd 2019 at 05:08 AM by CrusadingAvenger (The Wisdom Central)

You thought the person you had in your life
was everything you ever wanted.

You thought the person you had in your life
would never betray you and be there for you.

You thought the person you had in your life
loved you as much as you loved them,
that you were willing to do whatever it takes
to keep the relationship alive and going.

Then, you happen to find out they ghosted you.

They stopped talking to
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Empty Promises

Posted October 19th 2017 at 01:36 AM by CrusadingAvenger (The Wisdom Central)

Stop me if you've heard this:
You make plans with someone,
You ask if they can show up,
They say "Yeah for sure,"
Or "Maybe, I'll get back to you."

Then, on the day of
Whatever it is you plan
To do with that person,
Whether it'd be hanging out,
Or maybe going out
To an event or even a movie,
They don't get back to you.

Or they will send you a text last minute
Telling you he/she can't make
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SO busy. D:

Posted December 27th 2012 at 03:10 PM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)

From today until after New Year's, I am going to be so busy. My best friend came home from college for Christmas (she went out of state very far away), and now that she's back from visiting family in another state I'll be spending her last few days home with her. Today I have to pack my stuff and get ready to go. Then, as soon as I come home, I have to get ready again for Jon to come pick me up and whisk me away to spend New Year's together. I'll be spending the night at his house on New Year's...
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I just can't take it. *strong lang* *trig*

Posted September 13th 2012 at 04:19 AM by escape♥
Updated September 13th 2012 at 04:26 AM by escape♥

I'm am so stressed out. Its only the 3rd week of school, and already I'm feeling like I'm losing my mind rather quickly. Every. Single. Day. is a fucking struggle. A struggle to try and stay positive, a struggle to not act out any SH or ED urges, a struggle to get through school material, just a fucking struggle. For everything. It feels like nothing is going to be easy, ever again.

I thought I could trust that my relationship with E would be the one easy thing in my life, but even...
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