Posted December 13th 2012 at 01:34 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
So, everyone thinks that me and my friend, M, should date. Neither of us agree and feel our shop is too sibling-like for us to ever work out. However, with all the pressure coming from outside sources, I think he is mad at me. He wasn't really talking to me today after outclass and my friend said she thinks he's mad at me.
I can't lose him as a friend. I just can't. I started crying for a while earlier at the thought. I don't want him mad at me or upset with me or thinking different...
Living the dream.
Views 786
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Posted December 5th 2012 at 10:10 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
Updated December 6th 2012 at 03:22 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
I saw C for the first time today. She's the lady that will be my counsellor until January, and then another woman named J is taking over. It kinda sucks that C will only be there until January, because she seems really nice. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that she used the term "self-mutilation" once. I hate that word.
But as I said, she seemed really nice and she is the type of woman to ask questions. I trust her, I really do, but I don't know how much I'll be...
Living the dream.
Views 539
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Posted November 19th 2012 at 10:45 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
I had a mental breakdown last night.
I cut myself a little bit and really wanted to do it a lot more. I wanted to see the blood and do what I had to to release the anxiety and that heavy feeling on my heart. I only did a little bit but knew I had to refrain before I got myself into trouble with my parents.
So what do I do? I call a hotline. The self harm hotline was closed so I called the suicide hotline because well, I was in danger of cutting too much or too deep...
Living the dream.
Views 671
Comments 4
Posted October 10th 2012 at 02:34 AM by escape♥
Hurting myself is my addicition, like any other one. I’ve never done drugs, or drank alcohol or anything like that, but I still can’t stop hurting myself. If it’s not my eating disorder, then its cutting, depression, or it’s something else entirely. Not giving a shit about life, pushing the people I love away, isolation, whatever, I just can’t stop harming myself in one way or another. It’s been this way as long as I can remember…I literally HATE myself. Yes, hate is a strong word, and I mean almost...
Happiness is waiting for you<3
Views 721
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Posted October 7th 2012 at 01:00 PM by escape♥
Updated October 7th 2012 at 01:27 PM by escape♥
E & I fought for the first time last night. At first it was just a stupid habit of mine that was annoying him, but it quickly morphed into something worse. He told me that my sadness is hurting him, and our relationship. I’ve been asking about whether or not it was bothering him recently, and he always denied being in any emotional pain what so ever. When I asked what had changed, he said...
Happiness is waiting for you<3
Views 853
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Posted March 14th 2012 at 12:30 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
So, I have a friend who self harms and mentioned to me today that they had self harmed with an Exacto knife blade. Of course, because they are pretty much my best friend in the entire universe, I was worried about them. At the same time, I was jealous as fuck that they were using an Exacto knife blade. I was just sitting there thinking to myself, "I wish I had one of these," and wishing that this person would give me one. Like I was thinking of begging them to find me one or something...
Living the dream.
Views 740
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Posted March 1st 2012 at 10:52 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
I had a therapy appointment today. Thank fucking god. I feel a lot better now but realized after I left what I needed to talk to her about. That's annoying. And she always asks me if I've cut again and I have to LIE to her and say no because she's a mandatory reporter and would tell my mom. The real answer is yes, yes I have cut. I wish I didn't have to lie but I really don't want my parents taking away my phone, yelling at me, and grounding me. I really wish I could admit to it and don't really...
Living the dream.
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Posted January 9th 2012 at 02:28 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
While sitting there talking to people feeling fine I end up cutting.
I'm so stupid. It's on the wrist this time. At least if I'm gone for a while you know why.
I'm so fucked up. Get that sad scared feeling in my heart out of nowhere. Cut out of nowhere. Tired out of nowhere. No motivation out of nowhere.
Sick with a cold right now. The fuck's wrong with me?
Living the dream.
Views 574
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