Hi everyone
Posted August 27th 2013 at 12:54 AM by Stronger000
Hi all. So I found how to post to my blog on TH!
I just wanted to say hi, although I am fairly sure that no one will see this.
I just wanted to share a poem I wrote today.
Its called Staying Strong:
Nothing is as it used to be
Nothing is as it seems
I used to be happy
But I don't even know who I am anymore
Counting the days I stay clean...
Three days so far, but can I do anymore?
Staying strong for the few friends I have
Staying strong so I don't ruin myself
You don't know how strong you are
Until being strong is the only choice you have
I takes things day by day,
Hour by hour,
Trying not to stress about what comes next
Because I don't know what it might be
I need your strength to hold me up,
To help me when I fall down
To help me stay strong
So I can be happy
I hope you like it!
And this will be the end of my first blog post. Good bye!

I just wanted to share a poem I wrote today.
Its called Staying Strong:
Nothing is as it used to be
Nothing is as it seems
I used to be happy
But I don't even know who I am anymore
Counting the days I stay clean...
Three days so far, but can I do anymore?
Staying strong for the few friends I have
Staying strong so I don't ruin myself
You don't know how strong you are
Until being strong is the only choice you have
I takes things day by day,
Hour by hour,
Trying not to stress about what comes next
Because I don't know what it might be
I need your strength to hold me up,
To help me when I fall down
To help me stay strong
So I can be happy
I hope you like it!
And this will be the end of my first blog post. Good bye!

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