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Fuck you past, you havnt won

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Posted August 15th 2010 at 09:26 PM by Sin

So ive had a crap few months. Maybe thats a bit of an understatement. Lets just say that life so far has been hard. So hard that on many occasions i tried to get out away from it all. But who's to say that my life from here on out has to be that hard?

Each time i fell down i somehow got back up again. So maybe i can fight back? What is the point in looking back on all the pain and suffering. My happiness lies in the future. My life can be what i want it to be.

So i tried the medical route and found out it was most def not for me. Now its time to try alternatives. I'l be damned if im going to let my own life get the better of me.

Its time i stand on my own two feet and fight back
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  1. Old Comment
    Ryan1's Avatar
    What are you Fighting against? What is making you unhappy? Is someone holding you back?
    Posted August 15th 2010 at 11:59 PM by Ryan1 Ryan1 is offline
  2. Old Comment
    DarkSeph's Avatar
    You're absolutely right. You're here today because despite everything you've been through, you've got back up every time and kept fighting. You're an incredibly strong person. And you're right too that your life can be what you want it to be. You have your entire future ahead of you. You deserve to be happy and one day you definitely can be. As bad as things may get, they can always get better.

    Don't forget you aren't alone in fighting either, your friends and th are here for you, whenever you need support don't be afraid to reach out for it. Really hope things get a lot better for you, best of luck and PM anytime if you ever need
    Posted August 16th 2010 at 02:10 AM by DarkSeph DarkSeph is offline
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