Ah fuck it
Posted May 20th 2010 at 11:18 AM by Sin
Stupid useless fat ugly thick girl
I suck
U win
I suck
U win
156 Days

Total Comments 2
Posted May 20th 2010 at 08:37 PM by Palmolive -
Hey dude, women are curvy and beautiful! That's the way we're built, and embrace it, because those twigs walking around aren't women, they're toothpicks, and what guy wants a toothpick? :P
Look at Kim Kardashian; she's a gorgeous, full woman, that makes guys go ape shit. I hate the idea of beauty that is portrayed in today's media. Skinny is not beautiful, (to me anyway), no one wants to get with a bag of bones; fuck that. [;Posted May 26th 2010 at 03:55 AM by Christina