Posted May 18th 2010 at 01:52 PM by Sin
So an alternative to cutting is talk to a here i am talking to u.
Fellow pixie,
Today im feeling quite down. I rang your phone when i woke, just wanted to hear your voice. I wanted to tell you all about yday, you would have loved it. I can just about hear you now saying typical me! Embarassing scenes seemed to follow us around eh? Anyway i once again had a 'freakout'
It was totally not my fault this time though!!
I had my physc app yday..(the nice one) but it all went wrong and she made me all sad and stuff so i went into my destructive fuck the world i dont care mode. She was not impressed. She wanted me to go into hosp for awhile coz she thinks im not coping coming up to the court case..well duh like! I dont wanna go into hosp pixie
I needed you with me then. Member last xmas when you helped me get out without them seeing?? lol. I managed it by myself this time but it was no fun. I remember us running for what seemed like hours then just collapsing on the floor laughing.
But she was right i spose. Im not doing too good right now. To leave my house yday i had to force myself to have someting to eat so i wouldnt faint at the docs. I only eat when i have to go somewhere now. And i no you would give me a slap if u were here but its just too hard. Ive lost just over 2 stone since xmas. No one has noticed. I feel so sad all the time. Im holding my blade right now, i so badly want to cut.
What would i do if u were here? I no you would help me, you would come over with all our fav dvds, a 24 hour supply of popcorn and choc and we would stay up all night..i miss that...
Where are you now??
Today i will put down my blade and pick up our scapbook

Fellow pixie,
Today im feeling quite down. I rang your phone when i woke, just wanted to hear your voice. I wanted to tell you all about yday, you would have loved it. I can just about hear you now saying typical me! Embarassing scenes seemed to follow us around eh? Anyway i once again had a 'freakout'

I had my physc app yday..(the nice one) but it all went wrong and she made me all sad and stuff so i went into my destructive fuck the world i dont care mode. She was not impressed. She wanted me to go into hosp for awhile coz she thinks im not coping coming up to the court case..well duh like! I dont wanna go into hosp pixie

I needed you with me then. Member last xmas when you helped me get out without them seeing?? lol. I managed it by myself this time but it was no fun. I remember us running for what seemed like hours then just collapsing on the floor laughing.
But she was right i spose. Im not doing too good right now. To leave my house yday i had to force myself to have someting to eat so i wouldnt faint at the docs. I only eat when i have to go somewhere now. And i no you would give me a slap if u were here but its just too hard. Ive lost just over 2 stone since xmas. No one has noticed. I feel so sad all the time. Im holding my blade right now, i so badly want to cut.
What would i do if u were here? I no you would help me, you would come over with all our fav dvds, a 24 hour supply of popcorn and choc and we would stay up all night..i miss that...
Where are you now??
Today i will put down my blade and pick up our scapbook

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