All I want is a Chicken Sandwich
Posted October 20th 2009 at 05:17 AM by s_tor_m
You know what I could really go for right now...a nice, warm, crispy chicken sandwich with lettuce and mayo on a toasted bun, with fries on the side. Mmm. That sounds like heaven in my mouth.
Unfortunately, the closest I'm going to get to that anytime soon is tiny bites of chicken that I can just barely swallow, combined with the grossest taste that is most likely mono.
I don't know if that sentence even made sense, but bear with me. Since my past post on the 17th, my symptoms have just gotten increasingly worse. My tonsils are now so swollen that they're literally touching one another from either side. It feels like someone is constantly choking me. My congestion is so bad I haven't been able to breath through my nose in 4 days, which has forced me to sleep with my mouth open, thus chapping my lips and drying out my mouth...ick. And let me tell you, whatever it is I'm coughing up all the time, it tastes HORRIBLE. It would make that chicken sandwich taste like liver and sourkraut. Okay, maybe not THAT bad...but it would definatly take away most of its yumminess.
Last night was my brothers 21st birthday party...something I've been looking forward to for a few weeks now. My brother is usually pretty mature and reserved...not one to party and get all crazy. So when he told me he was planning on getting drunk for his bday, I got excited. Unfortunatly, I spent most of the time upstairs in my room and listened to the party going on downstairs.
When I did go downstairs, I got a bunch of sympathetic looks from everyone...kind of like this
. I probably looked like shit. And the worst part? I didn't get to take part in eating the 6 ft. long sandwich we ordered from subway. That thing was massive...and looked delicious. But instead I just enjoyed my cup of hot water.
I guess I needed to just let that all out...this whole sickness is really frustrating. I'm taking this week off of school...hopefully by next week I'll be well enough to go back. But if it is mono (which I'm 94% sure it is) then they say it lasts for 2 weeks minimum...and can sometimes stay around for over a month or two. I'm really not looking forward to it. All I want is a chicken that too much to ask?
Unfortunately, the closest I'm going to get to that anytime soon is tiny bites of chicken that I can just barely swallow, combined with the grossest taste that is most likely mono.
I don't know if that sentence even made sense, but bear with me. Since my past post on the 17th, my symptoms have just gotten increasingly worse. My tonsils are now so swollen that they're literally touching one another from either side. It feels like someone is constantly choking me. My congestion is so bad I haven't been able to breath through my nose in 4 days, which has forced me to sleep with my mouth open, thus chapping my lips and drying out my mouth...ick. And let me tell you, whatever it is I'm coughing up all the time, it tastes HORRIBLE. It would make that chicken sandwich taste like liver and sourkraut. Okay, maybe not THAT bad...but it would definatly take away most of its yumminess.
Last night was my brothers 21st birthday party...something I've been looking forward to for a few weeks now. My brother is usually pretty mature and reserved...not one to party and get all crazy. So when he told me he was planning on getting drunk for his bday, I got excited. Unfortunatly, I spent most of the time upstairs in my room and listened to the party going on downstairs.
When I did go downstairs, I got a bunch of sympathetic looks from everyone...kind of like this

I guess I needed to just let that all out...this whole sickness is really frustrating. I'm taking this week off of school...hopefully by next week I'll be well enough to go back. But if it is mono (which I'm 94% sure it is) then they say it lasts for 2 weeks minimum...and can sometimes stay around for over a month or two. I'm really not looking forward to it. All I want is a chicken that too much to ask?
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