My Morning
Posted September 16th 2009 at 06:08 PM by s_tor_m
I'm in a strange bubbly mood where I don't want to sit down and I have the urge to talk. (which for me is a rare thing since I'm never talkative) I wake up this morning and I was going to work out for a bit...but as soon as I did 5 crunches, I realized I was hungry. So I open my door to go downstairs and my cat is sitting by my door staring up at me with a slight craze in his eyes. I know that look. That's the look he gets when he's hyper and wants to play. I growl at him and immediately he takes off down the stairs. I play tag with him for a few minutes until he goes to the kitchen to eat, which reminds me of why I came downstairs in the first place. So I open the pantry and on the floor sits a delicious looking box of fruity pebbles. I don't even remember the last time I had fruity pebbles. All those colorful little rocks..mmm.
However when I poured some into my bowl, half the colors were missing!
It's like all the dark colors had been sucked out of the fruity pebble factory and all that remains is red, orange, and yellow. Oh well, they tasted just the same.
Since nobody was around in my house when I went downstairs, I haven't had anyone to talk to since I woke up. So I just decided to make a quick blog telling you all about my morning. Uber exciting, right?
I don't know what's up with me and the blue smileys today...

Since nobody was around in my house when I went downstairs, I haven't had anyone to talk to since I woke up. So I just decided to make a quick blog telling you all about my morning. Uber exciting, right?

I don't know what's up with me and the blue smileys today...

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