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Stealing Minutes of Your Life

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Posted September 11th 2009 at 05:28 AM by s_tor_m

Apparently people take the time to read my blogs, which I think is kind of a waste of your time. I mean I started blogging basically for the intention of ranting to myself so I could post my thoughts without anyone having to read them. It gave me the ability to complain without actually complaining. But then I don't blog for a week and I have three people on my ass making me pinky promise to make a post. *Sigh* I love you guys

I don't really have a plan for this blog...no pressing topic that's been on my mind or anything like that. So I guess just a good ol' update will have to do.

School is going good. Last year as a senior, I remember counting down the days in my journal until the day I graduated. "3 more months of hell...47 more days of hell...one more week of hell!" Okay, so "hell" might have been a bit of an exaggeration...but I really did hate it. People always told me I'd miss my high school days and would want to go back to the easier classes and I should enjoy my senior year blah blah. Well so far, I don't miss a single thing about high school. I've been in college about 3 weeks now and so far it's just as good as I'd hoped.

So, you want to talk boys? Well, here's the story. Girl meets boy. Boy kisses girl, and suddenly goes MIA. Boy's nickname becomes douchebag. The End. There ya go...my social life in a nut shell

Well I would come up with more things to say if I sat here long enough, but I have a Wii controller calling my name downstairs. It's strange, my brother only acknowledges my presence when his girlfriend is around. It's like he becomes a different person when she comes over...but in a good way. Either way, I'm gonna go beat their asses at virtual tennis.

PS - I just stole approximatly a minute and a half of your time that you will never get back. suckas

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  1. Old Comment
    Hollifire's Avatar
    Haha Tor, you kept your pinky promise to me! Lufff you. <3

    Boys are dumb. Don't worry, you'll find one that's good enough for you. Until then, you and I can still be lovers.

    Wii tennis is so much fun. I used to love playing that. I hope you win.
    Posted September 11th 2009 at 05:32 AM by Hollifire Hollifire is offline
  2. Old Comment
    amystery's Avatar
    yay about time you blogged :P

    And Holly I agree boys are dumb! what a jerk!

    Tor I've concluded that you likely aren't returning to chat with me tonight but I hope you're having fun playing wii tennis and such! <3 ily
    Posted September 11th 2009 at 06:37 AM by amystery amystery is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Mel's Avatar
    Oh my, a whole minute and a half. Blogs are great for ranting; I use one of mine for it all the time.

    I'm glad you're enjoying school right now. What program are you taking?

    Good luck with the tennis! xD
    Posted September 11th 2009 at 06:43 AM by Mel Mel is offline
  4. Old Comment
    s_tor_m's Avatar
    Originally Posted by Mel View Comment
    Oh my, a whole minute and a half. Blogs are great for ranting; I use one of mine for it all the time.

    I'm glad you're enjoying school right now. What program are you taking?

    Good luck with the tennis! xD
    Hehe thanks
    I'm taking general ed., psychology, and yoga
    Posted September 11th 2009 at 07:04 AM by s_tor_m s_tor_m is offline
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