College: Day 1
Posted August 19th 2009 at 11:17 PM by s_tor_m
Today I had my first class of college...psychology. I didn't expect much, I mean what first day is anything but going over course outlines and all that jazz.
So the teacher started going over what we're going to be learning about, and I can already tell this class is going to be pretty interesting. There's a whole chapter about repressed memories and another on social anxieties. Just from her reading the outline, my mind went a little crazy and I couldn't think straight.
I'm not really sure what to expect of the next few months and this class, whether it will be good for me or not, but I know I defiantly won't be falling asleep.
It seemed like everyone in the class had a friend or someone they knew to talk to, and I was the only one sitting there not saying a word. I know that's probably not true seeing as there's about 50 people in the class...but it felt that way. The only person I did know was actually the guy sitting next to me, but I knew him back in 7th grade when everyone thought I was a freak who didn't have a voice box. He kept his back to me the whole time. Lovely. :meh:
Anywho, I'm excited for tomorrow. English Composition, Statistics, and Yoga!
Okay, not so excited about the stats, but english and yoga should be good.
Hope you all are well (:
So the teacher started going over what we're going to be learning about, and I can already tell this class is going to be pretty interesting. There's a whole chapter about repressed memories and another on social anxieties. Just from her reading the outline, my mind went a little crazy and I couldn't think straight.
I'm not really sure what to expect of the next few months and this class, whether it will be good for me or not, but I know I defiantly won't be falling asleep.
It seemed like everyone in the class had a friend or someone they knew to talk to, and I was the only one sitting there not saying a word. I know that's probably not true seeing as there's about 50 people in the class...but it felt that way. The only person I did know was actually the guy sitting next to me, but I knew him back in 7th grade when everyone thought I was a freak who didn't have a voice box. He kept his back to me the whole time. Lovely. :meh:
Anywho, I'm excited for tomorrow. English Composition, Statistics, and Yoga!

Hope you all are well (:
Total Comments 3
Posted August 20th 2009 at 01:41 PM by L'espoir -
Posted August 21st 2009 at 01:08 AM by amystery -
Posted September 1st 2009 at 07:45 PM by Hollifire