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Being alone is easier, but it's not like I get a choice *poss trig*

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Posted December 1st 2012 at 08:05 PM by Riddikulus

Finally December, everyones just talking about christmas. It's just going to be stressful and full of family arguments, reminds of how much everyone hates me and why we don't see the family except for christmas.

Mom's just been having a go at me all day, reminding me how worthless i am.
I don't see a point in anything, in christmas, people just disappoint and they wonder why I won't trust anyone. Being alone is easier and it's not like I get a choice lately anyway, just shut up Charli you're so stupid.
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  1. Old Comment
    Palmolive's Avatar
    Christmas is one day out of a year. Sure, the two months surrounding it can be overwhelming too, but you can get through it kid. x
    Posted December 1st 2012 at 08:36 PM by Palmolive Palmolive is offline
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