Really crap day *trig*
Posted February 23rd 2012 at 05:38 PM by Riddikulus
I had such a horrible day!
In the sixth form meeting we had to talk about safe driving and had to watch a video about a teenage girl that has a car crash, killing her two best friends and two people in the other car who were the parents of two young children. It was really graphic and you saw the whole crash but that wasn't even the bit that hit me the most, it was all the family reactions and the baby crying for her mom who was dead in the front.
I know that it does make us think and we should be careful and we think it will never happen to us, but i guess it just upset me a bit.
Then to make it all worse, on the way home a lad in my school got run over, an air ambulance had to be called. There were so many kids everywhere that just wanted to be nosey and no one could do anything or move or go anywahere because it was so busy. I'm really hoping he's okay.
So yeah i had a pretty shit day tbh :/
In the sixth form meeting we had to talk about safe driving and had to watch a video about a teenage girl that has a car crash, killing her two best friends and two people in the other car who were the parents of two young children. It was really graphic and you saw the whole crash but that wasn't even the bit that hit me the most, it was all the family reactions and the baby crying for her mom who was dead in the front.
I know that it does make us think and we should be careful and we think it will never happen to us, but i guess it just upset me a bit.
Then to make it all worse, on the way home a lad in my school got run over, an air ambulance had to be called. There were so many kids everywhere that just wanted to be nosey and no one could do anything or move or go anywahere because it was so busy. I'm really hoping he's okay.
So yeah i had a pretty shit day tbh :/
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