Does it always hurt his much....... *triggering* again!
Posted April 19th 2011 at 04:58 PM by Riddikulus
Does it always hurt this much to talk to people, to tell people how you are feeling... i keep telling myself it will get easier, but i think it would just be much better to keep hiding and pretend everything is fine.
My mom is constantly asking questions and when i am honest with her she explodes and tells me i'm lying or that i have no reason for this.....i can't take it anymore... i have it planned.....
........ Odsing and cutting are the only options now.....
My mom is constantly asking questions and when i am honest with her she explodes and tells me i'm lying or that i have no reason for this.....i can't take it anymore... i have it planned.....
........ Odsing and cutting are the only options now.....
Total Comments 2
Its not the only option, while telling some people how you feel isn't always the best because they hurt you with their reactions... I am sorry that you took a chance and got burnt, but theres others who care for you, you know they care for you...
You can reach out to them, because killing yourself isn't an option, its not a plan its giving up, its taking you away, an amazing beautiful person...
And you can get through this... But you need to reach out to support and help... Please keep going Charli April 19th 2011 at 05:10 PM by Guardian_Angel -
You're so strong I know you can get through this. You're honestly and amazing person and you deserve the best. You deserve happiness and you can and will get out of this. Cutting and overdosing are definitely not the only two options. They shouldn't even be an option because you ARE worth so much more than them. You really are and I love you so much. I know you can beat this sweet so stay strong and keep on smiling. <3
Posted April 19th 2011 at 06:01 PM by Palmolive