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Cried myself to sleep.. Woot... Fucked up,, Was in a bitchy mood, and no matter what I did, I couldn't stop myself from hurting her.. Now she says she's going to make it so no one can ever hurt her again... She wouldn't tell me what she meant by that.. She said she was tired and went to "bed"
I better talk to her today... I need to know if she hates me as much as I hate myself right now.. I can't fucking believe I made her cry.. I just wanna die.
I hate this. Why...
Views 572
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Ugh I'm so tired. Ashley told me last night she still loves me, that didn't help matters... I got no sleep because of this. I have only had a small bowl of shreeded wheat with 1/3 milk and 2/3 water... I'm skipping lunch, and probably having very limitted dinner, hopefully without purging again unlike last night... I'm so dizzy and tired and it's driving me insane.. I still have some control, so I'm using it the best I can. But I can feel ana/mia, whatever taking over really fast... I can't tell...
Views 438
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I don't feel well... I haven't eaten much yet today, and don't plan to either... Yesterday I had almost nothing as well... I thought this was over... I think I'm going to go lay down, my head hurts and throat is stinging... I won't tell anyone, mainly because no one listens. I've tried before, back when I was really bad and needed hospitalization, and no one even noticed... So that's fine, I know what not to do so whatever. I just want to lose a few, after weighing in, that kind of shocked me, so...
Views 467
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Aparently you can't put prefixes on blogs, oh well, I tried my best ahaha...
This is a vent I just did, also posted in the screaming thread, thought I'd post it here since it's pretty much a blog entry in my eyes... Get ready >.>
I've fucking had it honestly!~ I ahte being alone, I hate having to lay in my room in the dark by myself. I hate it! I hate seeing you with that guy, I don't even know him but I hate him because he has you and I don't! I just wish...
Views 512
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Heey, so ya. I'm at school and I'm bored (gasp!) Ahaha. Anyways, so ya. I've started my story, it's going really good, I'm like, done the first chapter I think, which is awesome.
I don't go to the lunchroom during lunch anymore because I've been bleh, also... Everyone's got a gf/bf now, and it's not me, so I avoid that so I don't get triggered. Yes, making me lonely even more, but at least it's a good loneyl
It's freaking boring! There's NO snow! Like honestly,...
Views 525
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Alright, I don't have a lot fo time. But let's just go with this.  I want to write, and I need some inspirationto stat writing again. Alright, well someone told me to just say random crap that came to my head, so elt's try that xD
/Uhhh, I am sititng here, a kid I don't really like is sitting beside me... I am hungry, and bored. I wish I had plans this weekend, I wanna spend time with Hayley, but I doubt she's free to hangout.
I miss everyone from camp. Tasha, Stevan,...
Views 474
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Alright so, ya!
The Youth Project of Nova Scotia, a LGBTQI group of youth for anyone under 25, is going camping the 13th-16th. It's in PEI. And I'm really excited! I'm already planning on what to bring, clothing wise. I'm bring my bra, some skirts, and all my cute tops  I am sooo excited! My mom was a little nervous about sending me, after my attempt and just getting out of the hospital again. But she talked to the people who are going to be hosting it, and they said it would be...
Views 295
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