Posted December 13th 2010 at 03:52 PM by Reflections
Heey, so ya. I'm at school and I'm bored (gasp!) Ahaha. Anyways, so ya. I've started my story, it's going really good, I'm like, done the first chapter I think, which is awesome. 
I don't go to the lunchroom during lunch anymore because I've been bleh, also... Everyone's got a gf/bf now, and it's not me, so I avoid that so I don't get triggered. Yes, making me lonely even more, but at least it's a good loneyl
It's freaking boring! There's NO snow! Like honestly, WHAT THE HELL! IT'S CANADA FOR GOD SAKES! We've had snow, it just keeps warming up and goes away
In Ontario they get like, a LOT of snow, wish I lived back there... They're already getting snow days left and right 
I'm lonely... It's truee.... I'm off all meds, aside from a prm or whatever the proper name is. It's a sleeping pill that I can take when needed. Bleh. Tastes horrible. Anways. I really am lonely. It's like, killing me. EVeryone's got a bf/gf except for me in my friend group and it killlsss
Since I'm also off my meds, my mood gets really low for this reason. No one like likes me, no one has any interest... So ya... I hate this. I guess I'm gonna be lonely for christmas which sucks... 
Anyways, rant done.
I think I'ma stalk some more forums, than get off. I need to eat... :\ that's another issue that I'd rather not get into yet...

I don't go to the lunchroom during lunch anymore because I've been bleh, also... Everyone's got a gf/bf now, and it's not me, so I avoid that so I don't get triggered. Yes, making me lonely even more, but at least it's a good loneyl

It's freaking boring! There's NO snow! Like honestly, WHAT THE HELL! IT'S CANADA FOR GOD SAKES! We've had snow, it just keeps warming up and goes away

I'm lonely... It's truee.... I'm off all meds, aside from a prm or whatever the proper name is. It's a sleeping pill that I can take when needed. Bleh. Tastes horrible. Anways. I really am lonely. It's like, killing me. EVeryone's got a bf/gf except for me in my friend group and it killlsss

Anyways, rant done.
I think I'ma stalk some more forums, than get off. I need to eat... :\ that's another issue that I'd rather not get into yet...
Total Comments 1
Awww, but I love Christmas. It's the most wonderful time of the year.
With that said, I'm sure my family and I will be spending it in the psychiatric unit with my mother... BUT still. It'll be great. And in my free time, I'll sign on TH. There are ALWAYS lots of people in TH chat on Christmas. We can all be happy and cheery in the chat room and live life together because that's what it's all about. =P
Good luck with everything, though. I hope the issues with the lonely feeling get sorted out soon. A wise friend was sharing with me how lonely is a feeling, while alone is a state of being - you may FEEL lonely, but you are NEVER alone. (:
Take good care of yourself. Sending love and positive thoughts your way.Posted December 14th 2010 at 04:36 PM by Katrina