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Timeless Traditions

Posted May 4th 2009 at 04:14 AM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

The other day, I got a request from a friend to keep her company at a wedding. Despite the fact that I don't particularly enjoy weddings, I agreed to go since I knew the bride. (...and of course since I wasn't going to prom, my Saturday was wide open) So we get there and as I'm sitting there, I realize that the reason I don't fully enjoy weddings is because every one I go to is essentially the same....

As the bride walks down the isle, everyone marvels at how beautiful she looks, and
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my feelins in words

Posted May 3rd 2009 at 01:04 AM by Liz94 (my thourghts and feelings let out)

a whast of space

i know i say stuff like this alot but i needed to vent this i how i would discribe maself and wat the bullies call me hough they add a swear word infront of them
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first blog ever

Posted May 1st 2009 at 08:21 PM by morethanuseless (This is what it comes down to)

So since this is el primero (the first), I am deciding to write a little about me and my sitch. So the other blogs after this wont seem completely sketchy.
I am Lauren, I want my name to be Avery but im not going to change it. You can call me Avery though, I tell people at starbucks and jamba juice thats what my name is.

Ok life story,
I grew up for about 7 years of my life without my dad in my life, he had a drug problem. My mom was at work all day and I was left...
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The Lily Pad

Posted May 1st 2009 at 04:04 AM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

Hey guys...So my sister is opening a day care come July and she needed a logo. The day care is called The Lily Pad and the theme is lily pads (for obvious reasons), frogs, ponds, that sort of thing. So I played around with photoshop today and here's what I came up with. Feedback/suggestions would be nice
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Posted April 30th 2009 at 08:51 AM by Liz94 (my thourghts and feelings let out)

Ok so for details read my post in the bully section.

But today i am skiving school and had a massive arguement wiv mum bout me refusing to go to school. Now mum has gone having not had breakfeast and now has to spend the whole day at work worring that im SHin and thinking of ways to get me to tell her why i am refusing to go to school.

My sister has her art exam today and i made her late and now she keeps ringing me. shouting at me and telling me to tell her wats wrong....
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Birthday XD

Posted April 30th 2009 at 05:16 AM by SummerTiger

So TH has been the first to wish me a happy birthday. It's 12:14 am, and I am now (regrettably, or happily - depends on how you look at it)eighteen years old............Alright, time for bed..............
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Posted April 28th 2009 at 05:04 PM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

Hello All

So I'm a bit confused about something. Background info: There's this guy that lives down the street from me, who I haven't really ever talked to. Just a guy I've known since 2nd grade, but wasn't his friend or anything. Just another kid in my class. Okay so for the past four nights in a row, I've had a dream with him in it. The first night, he didn't say anything, he was just there. (like a background character.) Next night, he said a couple things, and was present
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To "The Bitch"

Posted April 28th 2009 at 06:13 AM by Care-o-Bear (Mostly Tyler)

To Catie (a girl who sits at the lunch table with Tyler and I that said "Woah, it actually talked!" when I was having a conversation with Tyler's friend Meg, a really nice girl):
You are a total bitch. Seriously. I have a name. I'm not just "Tyler's girlfriend." I'm a she, not an "it." What you said to me the other day was the meanest thing I've heard in a long, long time. So what if I don't talk much? I am me and a fairly quiet person. Not everyone can be loud...
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what a day :)

Posted April 27th 2009 at 04:39 PM by wanderlust (Life and times...of a secret geek)
Updated August 15th 2014 at 04:07 PM by wanderlust
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Home videos

Posted April 27th 2009 at 12:21 AM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

...gotta love 'em. Every time I whip out the old video camera and search for dust collecting tapes, I prepare myself for uncontrollable laughter. (things like my brother dancing in his underwear to "Tequila", or the four of us kids jumping on furniture and breaking lamps while our parents were on a date...just to name a few) I love the feeling I get when I see my old favorite toy (for me it was my bumble ball) or a shirt I used to wear all the time. I think that's the feeling of Home,...
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