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Dad, I know you love lemon...but I hope you'll accept my lime.

Posted July 29th 2009 at 04:29 AM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

For those of you that don't know, today is the 28th of July.
Well in my house, it means everyone is especially considerate of my dad..aka, the king of the household...aka...#1. Not that we aren't already extra considerate.
Today, my dad turns 53. (or is it 52? or is it 54? meh, that's besides the point.) So since I'm not in any state to be spending money (even though I just spend $35 on Green Day tickets, shhh don't tell dad) I thought I would bake him a cake for his
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Posted July 27th 2009 at 12:01 AM by maddy (SH)

I'm sorry to the people I told that I'd stop cutting myself,because I havn't. I actually went 4 days without it..but I couldn't help myself tonight.
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Posted July 25th 2009 at 11:48 PM by maddy (SH)

And when it rains on this side of town it touches everything
Just say it again and mean it, we dont miss a thing
You made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole
And convinced yourself its not the reason you dont see the sun anymore

And oh,oh how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
Oh,Oh I need the ending
So why cant you stay long enough to explain?

And when it rains will you always find an escape?
Just running...
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No Doubt = Amazing

Posted July 24th 2009 at 03:49 AM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

So, it's been a while since I've blogged. I feel like I say that every time I post.... Anyway, I've been staying at my sister's house a lot in the past week and as much as I love being there, it's also just teasing me that I can't move out. I wish I could just go there and stay there, not have to come back to this house. Then again, I don't know what I would do without TH..not to mention my comfy bed that I've been sleeping in for the past 5 years. *sigh*

Moving on, here's a little
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Thoughts on alienation and other things

Posted July 23rd 2009 at 09:07 PM by SummerTiger

Sometimes, we experience things that change us, forever. I've experienced a few of these things myself, like most of us have.

I want to talk about a significant event in my life today. Sure, reading the Harry Potter books changed my life; now I am able to say that I've read them. Learning to drive a car changed my life; now I can get to work easier. But sometimes things that are less obvious have greater impact on us.

I grew up alone, believing only in my own demons. Believing...
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What is going!!!!!!!!

Posted July 23rd 2009 at 11:05 AM by Liz94 (my thourghts and feelings let out)
Updated July 23rd 2009 at 04:37 PM by Jack (Please do not post weights or calories amounts anywhere on the site.)

OK so yesterday I only had a 1/4 bottle of water. No calories and I walked into town from school from there I walked home. In total I walked 5 miles.
On top of that at one in the morning I was doing sit ups and press ups etc until 3 in the moring.
In total I burned off XXX calories.
Im a stupid fat bastard im paying the price for it today as everytime I stand up I sway in dizziness.
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Posted July 21st 2009 at 10:46 PM by maddy (SH)

ok,so im new to this site. i have no idea what to write in this blog, and i doubt anyone will find any of what i have to say interesting. so i decided i'll just write about whatever random crap comes into my head, and see what happens.
Through everything ive been through in the past 2 years, ive wanted to believe in life so much, that everyone finds their true happiness, and to believe in kindheartedness, and that no one will screw me around. but thats not the case really. ive been screwed...
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I see your true colors

Posted July 21st 2009 at 08:35 PM by (Insert Name Here) (The Online Diary of Katelin)

I see you watching me.

Your starteled eyes.

Your frightened scent.

And yet...you want to dance this dance with me.

I turn to you.

And Say "Don't run..."

And you wont.

You are weak.

The cause of your own demise.

Your flesh flimsy,

Your nails like rose petals.

Your scent it sweet.

You sicken me.

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Hope...A pretty Fairytale
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Weight Loss Log.

Posted July 21st 2009 at 01:47 PM by Haiithurr
Updated July 21st 2009 at 02:19 PM by Gaia

Okay, I've decided to do something with my blog. Wether you read it or not is up to you. I personally wouldn't find this very interesting, haha.

So for the next month, or however long it takes me to lose a few pounds - and keep them off - I'm going to be tracking my weightloss here. ^^

So, I'm 14 years old, am around the height of 5'2, and weigh XX pounds currently. I don't want a certain number, I want an overall better appearance.

And yes I admit to...
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If Only I Could Fly

Posted July 20th 2009 at 04:16 AM by Catsrmything (Hoping For Love)

Oh things I would do if I could fly! Actually I can't think of anything I would do that I can't already do now. I just like the sound of "If Only I Could Fly". Anyway I hardly ever see someone posting blogs on TH so I thought I would just to be different!
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