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Boys lies

Posted September 18th 2009 at 10:39 PM by juliet

What we had, did it mean anything to you? Did you really care about me? All the 'I love yous' and 'I miss yous' are just meaningless words or days gone by. Those whispers you said didn't mean anything. When you said 'let's get married' you didn't mean it, you probably never will. Don't feed me lies. I need the truth! I know about the girl and what you did. It hurts, it really does. Don't tell me that you hated being hurt by all those girls and then tell me you won't be the guy that hurts me. Guess...
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Posted September 18th 2009 at 10:39 PM by juliet

Death, it lurks around the corner. Every day is just another day,but death looms in the shadows. It gets closer each and every second. The pain starts to get stronger. It gets to the point where you can't bear it anymore. Death starts to take over your body. The pain courses through your veins and your heart races faster. Death is staring you in the face and you can't fight back. This fight is being lost. Faster and faster you're falling into the darkness and you'll never return. Death has won.
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Sister's Pregnant!!

Posted September 17th 2009 at 07:41 AM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)
Updated September 17th 2009 at 07:54 AM by s_tor_m

Ahhhh!!! Right now....I'm pretty much a mix of and
I mean HOLY SHIT NUGGETS!! I'm so beyond excited I can't begin to tell you all how happy I am right now. I've been imagining her and her hubby starting a family since before they even really discussed it. I can't wait to be an auntie!!

I'm actually breaking my promise by telling all of you this...cause I told her I wouldn't tell a soul. But luckily for me I have you guys to tell and she'll never know!!
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My Morning

Posted September 16th 2009 at 06:08 PM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

I'm in a strange bubbly mood where I don't want to sit down and I have the urge to talk. (which for me is a rare thing since I'm never talkative) I wake up this morning and I was going to work out for a bit...but as soon as I did 5 crunches, I realized I was hungry. So I open my door to go downstairs and my cat is sitting by my door staring up at me with a slight craze in his eyes. I know that look. That's the look he gets when he's hyper and wants to play. I growl at him and immediately he takes...
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Giving Up

Posted September 15th 2009 at 09:18 PM by chhd

I'm giving up. I'm giving up on holding my head up high, giving up on not saying goodbye. I'm giving up on all hope, I'm giving up on my new ways to cope. I'm giving up on caring what they think, I'm giving up when things start to stink. I'm giving up not because i don't care, I'm giving up because it's just not fair. I'm giving up on holding back my tears, I'm giving up on my deepest fears. I'm giving up on all my hard work. I'm giving up on the past, I should have known this wouldn't last. I'm...
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Live half for you and half for others

Posted September 15th 2009 at 06:23 PM by p._ismael

I'm Ismael.My motto is to live half for myself and half for others. My late father told me one day if you split in the air, be sure at least you will receive one drop falled on your face. Now i can understand well my late father. I have no way i'm making my way while i'm going in righteousness.

Get friends but be wise, live for others but, be carefull; My vision oh my vision is too great. No one can withdraw it from my mind.

Hope , we know eachother but for good,teach...
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RIP Patrick Swayze...

Posted September 15th 2009 at 03:19 AM by omg.megan (The girl that smells like mouthwash, bubble gum && cigarette. <3)

Cause he's awesome, and will be remembered.
Dirty Dancing is a classic.

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fuck the men lets drink to us
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Rant/ Rave (from my creative writing class)

Posted September 14th 2009 at 11:59 PM by chhd
Updated September 15th 2009 at 09:08 PM by chhd

I NEED TO GO BACK. I'm slipping away again, faster now. I don't want to lose myself again. I don't want to lose everything i worked so hard to earn back. But i NEED help. I don't NEED medication. I NEED the truth not the anti-depressant coated fairy-tales.
I'M TIRED. I'm TIRED of being out of it. I'm TIRED of being angry at myself for things that aren't my fault. I'm TIRED of working my ass off. I'm TIRED of getting let down. I'm TIRED of being broken.
I'M PISSED. I'm PISSED at my mom....
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Posted September 13th 2009 at 08:43 PM by juliet

Piece by piece the ruins can be rebuilt like a puzzle. It can excel to new heights. It’s like our love reaching high above the clouds. High above the rest of the world our relationship will soar. On birds wings we will glide and fall together we will fall. Down into the depths of the unknown we will fall. You’ll catch me and I’ll catch you. Forever we will spend there searching the unknown. In the darkest depths of this undiscovered place you’ll be my light. I will follow you out of this darkness
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Romeo & Juliet

Posted September 12th 2009 at 03:01 AM by juliet

Romeo fell in love with Juliet. He fell in love with her past. Her personality made him love her more. That stupid grin of hers made him laugh. Her eyes that shade of blue made him love her unconditionally. That laugh, that beautiful laugh, made him love her forever. Juliet fell in love with Romeo too. She fell in love with his smile. His past intrigued her. His personality, well that was what made her melt. His eyes were something for her to get lost in. That smile of his made his eyes sparkle
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