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last post

Posted October 27th 2009 at 09:06 PM by hecanandWILLchangeyou
Updated October 28th 2009 at 12:05 PM by hecanandWILLchangeyou

I regreted the self harm no more post put too much pressure me so instead I am just doing it this way still trying but this will hopefully remove some stress.
this is in referance to my last post it does not mean it's the last post I will make in this blog.
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Prog Rock Recommendation

Posted October 27th 2009 at 04:36 AM by ThoughtManifest

BAN Rishloo
GENRE: Progressive Rock/Experimental Rock

Absolutely wonderful! With Tool listed as an inspiration, this is one new band with A TON of promise. If you have a few hours to kill and some silence to fill, these are your guys. With only two CD releases thus far and HQs on the west coast, I couldn't ask for any more! Catch these fellas while they're young, because they won't stay that way for long.

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Read at your own risk,

Posted October 26th 2009 at 05:59 AM by ThoughtManifest

Do I really need to tell you this is triggering? Or can you figure that out on your own? That's what I thought.

Hurt myself again today, got the little safety pins out and scratched my skin red. I could see the blood poking out of my skin. They were longer this time, three times as long to be exact. Red and raised and angry. So angry. My mother and I have been having communication issues and she blew up at me (I most likely blew up at her in turn, it's not all her fault)
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A Year Without Lip Action?

Posted October 23rd 2009 at 04:52 AM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

My test results came back. First, my blood-cell count test (the one that isn't 100% accurate but usually gives the doctors a pretty good idea about what I have) showed little indication that I have mono. All my cell counts were normal, with the one exception simply showing that I had an infection...which we all know anyway. So, we all figured we hit another brick wall and my illness remained unknown. However when the second test came back (the one that took longer but was a for-sure answer of whether
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I think I'm falling in love!

Posted October 22nd 2009 at 06:19 AM by ThoughtManifest
Updated October 22nd 2009 at 06:42 AM by ThoughtManifest

Or at least a crush, or something, but there's this girl Sasha who goes to the same meeting as me, and I noticed it the first time. She is super adorable! Just so cute! And I got to sit next to her today, I've never felt like this before. I just really want her to like me too, even though I won't be able to start anything. It'd just be nice to at least be friends, too bad college is in the way. But I'll have to keep an eye on her, it's a shame that there's no easy way to know if she's even...
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idk wat to do

Posted October 21st 2009 at 10:32 PM by vee_vee (Tales of Time)

well idk how to explain it all since it's been happening for months now...

Lately i feel like i'm...disgusting...because i'm Bi. I grew up in church, nd i know God exists and i've experienced him, but i feel like i'm disgusting to him. i can't really help that i find sum girls attractive nd i know i have the capability to fall in love with them...(i'm not the kinda bi who just wants to hook up wit girls, or who wants attention)

Only a handful of my frends know, as in...
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All I want is a Chicken Sandwich

Posted October 20th 2009 at 05:17 AM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

You know what I could really go for right now...a nice, warm, crispy chicken sandwich with lettuce and mayo on a toasted bun, with fries on the side. Mmm. That sounds like heaven in my mouth.
Unfortunately, the closest I'm going to get to that anytime soon is tiny bites of chicken that I can just barely swallow, combined with the grossest taste that is most likely mono.
I don't know if that sentence even made sense, but bear with me. Since my past post on the 17th, my symptoms have
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(Triggering -SH) Eventful Day,

Posted October 19th 2009 at 12:48 AM by ThoughtManifest
Updated October 19th 2009 at 02:36 AM by ThoughtManifest

Things have been strange lately. On the surface it seems like everything is perfect; I know where I'm going to college, my grades are doing just fine, my family isn't in any horrible financial struggle, and I have hours and hours of free time to fill. But for the first time today I scratched myself knowing full well that it was self harm. I had always done it before when things just got way too intense, left scars on my arm that are still here from 6+ months ago, but it was always an automatic...
Posted in Emotions, Depressed
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And there goes her stubborness...

Posted October 18th 2009 at 01:23 AM by omg.megan (The girl that smells like mouthwash, bubble gum && cigarette. <3)
Updated October 18th 2009 at 03:06 AM by omg.megan

Oy, sailor !
I'm in a REALLY good mood right now, like, my cheek muscles are sore from too much smiling.
Oh my, where does this positiveness come from ? Could it be because of him ? Because of the possibility that I may, just maybe falling for him...Woah, who knew I was actually human ?! That I actually DID feel. I have a heart people, ain't it amazing ? I'm not only a lump of tissue, bones & bitchness, how awesome.
Yup, sooooo, who is this guy ? (Holly,...
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fuck the men lets drink to us
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Mystery Illness

Posted October 17th 2009 at 07:54 PM by s_tor_m (Mentality of Tor)

A few days ago I got that feeling that you get right before you get a bad cold. I get sore throats/congestion pretty often, so I didn't think too much of it. Then Thursday rolled around and I could hardly swallow, and my temperature was at 102F. That's not exactly normal so I went to the doctor yesterday and they were pretty sure it was strep throat...just what I was hoping for!

I got the test results back this morning and it was negative for strep. Sooo they're not exactly sure
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