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Sensory Explosion

Posted July 17th 2010 at 03:14 AM by Marguerite (Random thoughts)

So I think I saw this in a movie once.

Best experience ever:

Sound: Album Songs by Regina Spektor (See avatar hehehe)
Sight: Floating in the middle of a lake, Somewhere secretive, near a forest
Touch: It's raining slightly
Taste: I'm eating brandy snaps ;D
Smell: Milk and honey is in the air

Your turn, GO!
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Sitting in a corner all alone

Posted July 16th 2010 at 05:02 PM by SonicFan (Last Drop Falls)
Updated July 16th 2010 at 05:04 PM by SonicFan (Formatting)

Title: FullMoon -Sonata Arctica

I remember the days when I could just sit in a corner and look out on the world, it seemed safe and secure and nobody would bother me because I'd have a copy of the metro [newspaper] cleverly hidden inside of a textbook

I feel isolated, lonely, crap. I feel like I should be out there making the most of life and just sitting out there thinking about stuff. During my first year at uni I'd stand on a bridge and wonder what'd happen
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Bitch, please.

Posted July 16th 2010 at 03:19 AM by Marguerite (Random thoughts)

I've happened to notice a wide variety of girls starting to call themselves bitches.
You know them. They wear too-tight t shirts stretched across their breasts with words like "You say BITCH like it's a bad thing."

If you'll navigate to their facebook page, they'll happily tell you that they stick wiv der frens. They'll tell you that yeah, they are a bitch, if a bitch means having an attitude and being opinionated.

They'll tell it like it is, but don't...
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Don't you just LOVE being proved right? -_-

Posted July 15th 2010 at 04:31 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck
Updated July 15th 2010 at 07:01 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck

I knew I had good reasons not to trust anyone.
That voice in my head telling me that the ones who make me tell them everything are only doing so in order to use it against me later.
"No." I told that voice "If they were really just acting then they'd never tell me anything and they do!" Wow that just shows how wrong I was. Just...URGH there is so much I could just rant about now but no. I don't want to upset anyone. So I'll just keep pretending, as usual, that it's
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Llama Lover/Skittle Minion
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FYI TH... I am having really bad chest pains because of work

Posted July 15th 2010 at 07:31 AM by NeverFeltThisWay1991 (My Whines)

It's all in the title. I have been having them since around 8 oclock when everything went wrong
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Got It All Now
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tipsyyyyy[strong langauge is used]

Posted July 15th 2010 at 06:24 AM by plk524

Lost my kid about a week ago. Stupid miscarriages. That was probably my last chance to get back with that guy. Ugh. I'm stupid. I've been cutting myself again, and I know I shouldn't, but I do anyway. Am I stupid or something? But at least me and my best friend are talking again, and we are looking passed shit. I'm just glad that she and I are talking again. Anyway, sitting here tipsy as hell, tired as fuck, and idk what i'm doing. xD wow, I'm so freakin retarded sometimes, i swear!!! blah. fuck...
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stuck...what to do?
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Funny thing. ><

Posted July 14th 2010 at 09:16 PM by Blahblahblah1

Well I was watching T.V. and a commercial came on. Then a couple passed. My mom then walked into the livingroom and asked why i was singing. Apparently i was singing along to commercials. This is a very sad moment in my life. lol.
Dont even ask...
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Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.

[Triggering] If only you could see..

Posted July 14th 2010 at 12:52 AM by Aidanlaiysaon
Updated July 14th 2010 at 02:12 AM by Briana (adding prefix)

You all act like you see right through me.
Think that you know everything about me.
You never will...

You wont ever see that pain and hurt that I lock away inside.
The scars on my body either from the belts that slapped my skin or the cuts from knives and razors shoved in so deep.

You think im strong.
Your wrong.
Im weaker than you'd imagine.
I cry myself to sleep at night.
I scream and beg for mercy to escape the aching pain....
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I Miss You

Posted July 14th 2010 at 12:03 AM by Aidanlaiysaon

I remember your face so clearly.
You were my best friend, My everything.
You made me a promise, you didnt keep it.
You told me that you would always be there for me.
That you would always protect me and keep me safe.
You lied.
God took you away from me.
If there's even such a thing as a god.
If so why doesnt he answer my prayers.
why doesnt he make my pain go away.
You never would have treated me like this.
All you ever did was love...
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Another pointless poem

Posted July 13th 2010 at 05:51 AM by Aidanlaiysaon
Tags abuse

I can't sleep again.
Waiting for the sounds telling me it's time.
Watching the door as it slowly creeps open.
I hide under the covers and try not to breathe, praying that you'll let me sleep for just one night.
I should know better.
My skin crawling as you move your hands underneath my clothes.
Why do you do this to me.
I start to cry and you grab my hair and yank it telling me to shut my mouth and act like a man.
Im sorry im weak.
You undress...
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