Posted December 18th 2010 at 12:00 PM by TeenHelp (Project Blog)
Updated December 17th 2011 at 06:58 PM by TeenHelp
Source: Notice | Facilitated Chat Room Discussions.
Reminder: Anxiety discussions tonight!
There are three scheduled discussions on the topic of anxiety in the Chat Room for users to seek advice and share thoughts and ideas! The first discussion will be held at 8pm UK time (GMT/UTC), the second will be held at 8pm Eastern US time (EST), and the third will be held at 8pm Pacific US time (PST). All you have to do to take part is log into the Chat Room at the appropriate time...
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My parents...where do I start? Well, first off, they are divorced and abandoned me at every turn growing up. My father sexually and physically abused me growing up, so I have a few mental issues. But the fact is I seem so normal on the outside, just a tad dark, but I know I have issues that I still can't get over.
My mom abandoned me while my father did these things, and she was a big gambler as well after the divorce. She took over $800 in my savings for gambling. She was a battered...
Need help? I'll be there! <3
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Posted December 17th 2010 at 01:09 AM by xX-anna-Xx
i feeel reallly depresssed all day today.
random urgers to cut and curl up in a ball and just lay there forever. im not sure whats going on with me. i've been pretty happy the last few days i thought.
just something , im not sure what. just hit me i guess and i've beeen depressed ever sence.
i hate this feeling.. /:
Views 359
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Well, this is a bit weird for a challenge. I can't really say I've had a first love, I mean, we've all had crushes.
If I was going to say one for sure, it'd have to be my boyfriend that I have now. He really understands and helps me the best he can. I currently have my own issues, but I am always there for him as well.
Don't judge me, but it IS long distance,and we are working it out. I really really love him, and I hope it lasts.
Need help? I'll be there! <3
Views 338
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Posted December 16th 2010 at 05:08 AM by TeenHelp (Project Blog)
Updated November 17th 2011 at 06:27 PM by Rob
Source: Newsletter | Issue 9 | If you would like to receive the full quality HTML version via email please sign up.
TeenHelp Newsletter
TeenHelp Newsletter #9 - December 15th 2010 - http://www.teenhelp.org
Welcome to the TeenHelp Newsletter! Our Newsletter contains a lot of useful information about our current work, including updates to our site and services, work with our partners and affiliates, details of upcoming events, short bits of advice, interesting...
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Posted December 16th 2010 at 12:56 AM by xX-anna-Xx
everything isnt the same anymore. nobody is. its just sad. it makes me just wanna curl up ina ball and die. i may seem like a happy person on the outside , but thats only because of my medicine.
on the inside. im hurting. i cant eat. i feeel like im going to puke everytime. i can hardly even eat a grilled cheese anymore without wanting to puke. i know this is all about help , which this is what im trying to do.
i've been in 2 programs for depresssion and just got out of Harbor Oaks...
Views 655
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Posted December 15th 2010 at 11:07 PM by xX-anna-Xx
December 15, 2010.
She feels unwanted and hated for many reasons. she feels stupid and useless with everything she does and says. she makes everyone feels like crap because of what she says and does. she cutes, just to feel the pain. it lets her know that she can still feel thing. she doesnt reallly feel anything besides sadness/hurt. cutting is her only realif most of the time. music is her only escape from teh world. she does have friends but she never sees them , which makes...
Views 298
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It seems quite a few people are starting this challenge, and I want to add it in myself. This is going to be a great next month, or so I hope. I am going to have fun with this, and I hope others will, too.
Day 01 – Introduce
Day 02 – Your first love
Day 03 – Your parents
Day 04 – What you ate today
Day 05 – Your definition of love
Day 06 – Your day
Day 07 – Your best friend
Day 08 – A moment
Day 09 – Your beliefs ...
Need help? I'll be there! <3
Views 427
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Aparently you can't put prefixes on blogs, oh well, I tried my best ahaha...
This is a vent I just did, also posted in the screaming thread, thought I'd post it here since it's pretty much a blog entry in my eyes... Get ready >.>
I've fucking had it honestly!~ I ahte being alone, I hate having to lay in my room in the dark by myself. I hate it! I hate seeing you with that guy, I don't even know him but I hate him because he has you and I don't! I just wish...
Views 503
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On Saturday, December 11th, 2010, the midwest was covered in a snow blizzard. I had to work on Saturday, and ended up making it to work but he said I could go home. It was too dangerous. I couldn't get online, had no food for three days, nothing well to sleep with.
I got home today, got into an argument with my mom, missed school...what else can go wrong?
I'd like to apologize for not being able to talk with anyone since I've been gone. I shoveled a lot this weekend,...
Need help? I'll be there! <3
Views 477
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