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I'm ready to give up. (Triggering)

Posted March 28th 2011 at 11:26 AM by LlamaLlamaDuck
Updated March 28th 2011 at 12:34 PM by Palmolive (Adding triggering prefix)

Sitting in college. Trying to stay awake. Today's been so long already. Cut this morning. Argued with mum. Walked to Asda and got a new pencil sharpener, pliers and a first aid kit. Had all my blades in my pocket already.
Walked to the graveyard and cried. Just lay on the ground there for a while.
Walked to a park round the corner from my old school. Sat there and took the blades out of the sharpener. Sat on the swing for a while. Just swinging and staring at the ground.
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Posted March 27th 2011 at 11:38 AM by LlamaLlamaDuck

Working today. Really can't be bothered. Still so tired. Didn't sleep well.
Blades are coming to work with me. Won't go without them. Even if I don't use them, I refuse to not have them with me. Wouldn't be the first time I've hidden in a toilet to cut. Maybe this time the bleeding will take longer to stop. Maybe it won't stop at all.
One can only hope.
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My First Blog, Kinda

Posted March 27th 2011 at 06:28 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)

This is my first blog....well for this profile.

I was going to come back to TH on my old profile, LillyWren.....but then I realized I forgot my password and I also switched emails. SO I was pretty much screwed.

It's good to be back and now that I have internet at my home I will be on more often, so I guess I'll actually get to know people on here.

My name is Ashley, and I'm happy to be back.
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I'm only the monster u made me
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Nightmare >.<

Posted March 27th 2011 at 06:02 AM by LlamaLlamaDuck

Nightmare. Was on this little island. Was tiny. A dead seagull fell down in front of me. I thought a bigger bird just got it. But then another one fell. And another. I could see small bullet holes and blood on them. I was scared. Decided to swim back to mainland. Wasn't that far. I kept seeing birds fall down dead in front of me. A swan had a small hole in it's head. It just flopped back and it just lay there. I had to swim through a group of dead ducklings. Except they were twice the
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Rant. Random thoughts. Meh.

Posted March 26th 2011 at 11:43 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck

Because of you.

So tired.
Doesn't matter how much I sleep, it makes no difference. I'm exhausted again hours after I wake up.
Seriously considering just going to sleep for a couple of hours just now. Parents have a thing about eating around midnight on a Saturday, my brother and I tend to steal their food. That and mum's all weird because she hasn't seen me eat today.
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Posted March 26th 2011 at 02:32 PM by Troubled_Heart

I went hairdressers today and I got a side fringe... it's the first time I've had a fringe and it's harder for me because I have curly hair. For once I actually feel good about myself... if actually looks ok and everyone seems to like it. I mean it will be different when I do my own hair but it's good I have the potential to look decent.. It was well scary when she cut it but I'm glad she did!
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Reminder: Dealing with triggers discussions tonight!

Posted March 26th 2011 at 01:00 PM by TeenHelp (Project Blog)
Updated December 17th 2011 at 06:57 PM by TeenHelp

Source: Notice | Facilitated Chat Room Discussions.

Reminder: Dealing with triggers discussions tonight!

There are three scheduled discussions on the topic of dealing with triggers in the Chat Room for users to seek advice and share thoughts and ideas! The first discussion will be held at 8pm UK time (GMT/UTC), the second will be held at 8pm Eastern US time (EDT), and the third will be held at 8pm Pacific US time (PDT). All you have to do to take part is log into the Chat...
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Something Stupid!

Posted March 25th 2011 at 09:18 PM by Troubled_Heart

I do voulntary work at a charity shop near my school... It's not that bad but today I finished my usual jobs early and had to help sort out... there was this keyring... a guiniess one and I looked at it, I played with it for a bit and realized it had a small knife in it... nobody was watching me and I slipped it in my pocket... I feel so guilty and I don't know what to do... I've always had urges to steal things and when I was younger I stole things a lot... but what's worse is I'm taking money...
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Posted March 25th 2011 at 04:58 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck

Had placement today. One of the carers said I needed to roll up my sleeves. I said I couldn't. That I couldn't have short sleeves and it was a long story. So she basically reported me to my supervisor. I walked past and they were talking about it. I told him the same thing and he said I could keep the long sleeves as long as they were at my wrist and I kept my hands and wrists clean. I was so scared he'd ask to see my arms and I'd have to tell him. He didn't.
Shona came and we talked
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Posted March 24th 2011 at 07:01 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck

I feel so detatched. Distant. I've just cleaned the living room, kitchen and hall and taken out the recycling in less than half an hour. I lit a candle in the living room. Opened the window. I can hear the birds. Things are probably so much easier when you're a bird. There's a lot less to think about. I bet birds don't go about whacking their wings off of random chimneys when they get upset. Birds probably eat their weight in food everyday and don't care. Why can't life be that simple for
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