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Rise Against: Anti-Suicide video

Posted June 23rd 2011 at 05:35 PM by RadkeLover


this is an anti suicide video, and anti bullying and such, the video its self is very triggering, the lyrics, are somewhat triggering so if you get triggered easily i dont suggest you watch it
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cant stand her being in pain

Posted June 23rd 2011 at 05:30 PM by RadkeLover

the girl i love, her rapist got out of jail a couple days ago, shes in pain, i can tell, she wont admit it, but she is.
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Buddy application

Posted June 23rd 2011 at 09:54 AM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I've just applied to be a buddy.
I hope I get the position.
I tried really hard on that form.
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Let me out of here!

Posted June 23rd 2011 at 09:22 AM by Riddikulus

I hate it here!
I just want to leave now, better or not!

Just stop talking to me mom, stop telling me how stupid i am. Don't you think i already know that...

Why did they have to find me, why couldn't they have let me go.. it would have hurt less..

I feel like i'm getting worse, i want them to leave me so i can just go, but they won't >_< there's no point, they know i'm just going to try again at some point :/
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The magic word... expelliarmus
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its gotten worse...

Posted June 23rd 2011 at 01:01 AM by RadkeLover

you can never completely leave an addiction behind, i know people hear this a lot, but until you've experienced it, you don't know what its like, smelling the smell of the powder, feeling the metal against your skin, inhaling the smoke, feeling the warmth go down your throat....
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Trig: SI, Suicide

Posted June 22nd 2011 at 12:45 PM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I don't want to go to the school prom. That might sound like the least of my worries right now, but the cuts on my arm and shoulder will show, which will spoil the night for my boyfriend, and everyone will think I'm just attention seeking.

I wanted to take a load of pills. Overdose on something. I don't know why. Just so something can happen, I guess. Instead of constantly feeling like I'm suspended between emotions. Then if I die, no more feeling trapped. And if I live, then someone...
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fuck love

Posted June 21st 2011 at 06:25 PM by RadkeLover

fuck love, just really, fuck it, im sick and tired of either a)getting played or b)having to share you, so either make up your goddamn fucking mind or im gone, ughhhhhh!
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Cut again: Trig

Posted June 21st 2011 at 11:08 AM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I cut the other night. Sitting in the bath, watching the blood run down my arm and mix with the water. It was hypnotising, but the water was red by the time I got out.

He hated that I'd done it. Tried to make me promise I'd never do it again. But I don't know. It would be nice not to have to, but when I get to that stage where my body feels like it's tearing itself apart from the inside, I just don't know what else to do.
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Yuu lied Too

Posted June 21st 2011 at 08:03 AM by Hopeyyy

Yuu said yuu would be there for me.
everyone said that, but they all left. I never wanted to open up to anyone.....I guess I was a fool, falling for the sweet words yuu whispered in my ears...
such beatuiful lies.
yuu sayed yuud be there but yuu lied too

And guess what? Im just in a "Fukk Yuu!!!" Mood
I have tol many emtions

So surperised I aint sad. Im just fukkinqq mad. I fell it for yuu. Not once, not twice,...
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Someone told me I believe in everyone. This was my response.

Posted June 21st 2011 at 07:06 AM by Blahblahblah1

It because I believe everyone has a purpose. Sometimes we dont find it for a while or we loose it. But we always have that reason for a purpose. Thats why miracles happen. Youre just not ready to go yet. Sometimes people have to go to give a person a purpose. So, yes, everyone has a purpose, therefore I believe in everyone. ♥
Dont even ask...
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