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Reminder: Building confidence and self-esteem discussions tonight!

Posted October 15th 2011 at 12:00 PM by TeenHelp (Project Blog)
Updated December 17th 2011 at 06:49 PM by TeenHelp

Source: Notice | Facilitated Chat Room Discussions.

Reminder: Building confidence and self-esteem discussions tonight!

There are three scheduled discussions on the topic of building confidence and self-esteem in the Chat Room for users to seek advice and share thoughts and ideas! The first discussion will be held at 8pm UK time (BST), the second will be held at 8pm Eastern US time (EDT), and the third will be held at 8pm Pacific US time (PDT). All...
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Kisses On Sunset

Posted October 14th 2011 at 03:08 PM by Hopeyyy

Yesterday, was such a great day with my Batman.
Haha, I call him Batman, and he calls me catwoman. Haha! After our Drama practice, we sat outside and the sun was at the perfect angle, setting and shining on us. I put my head in his shoulder & we made a heart with our hands. And we kissed, and contiued kissing. (No tongue you dirty minds! )

And then today I'll see him afterschool, just for a few minutes

And and and and thhheenn...
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Leave Me Be

Posted October 13th 2011 at 05:56 PM by Troubled_Heart

Don't know what to say...
Another exam to fail tomorrow...
Already done half, didn't write much...
None that I can keep...
Don't know what to write...
Did shit in French...
Mother rang school... Embarassing!
And now my teacher's going to talk to me... Awkward!
All she'll do is tell me not to worry, you can still pass,
When I blates won't get an A so who cares...
I'll just go silent and let her talk... I still want to kill...
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Used to be Ianto Jones
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I'm excited.

Posted October 13th 2011 at 04:24 AM by Hopeyyy

I am SO excited.
Today, Nolan said he would kiss me tomorrow, alone.
I can't wait. It's goung to be special.

He also kissed my hand..a guy has never done that.
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2. What part of your body is most affected by it?

Posted October 13th 2011 at 12:32 AM by Lovespentinthedark (This is not the end of your story....)

What part of your body is most affected by it?
My upper thigh is affected the most. I started out on my arm, but I started doing it more often, so it became harder to cover up. I don't wear shorts that come above my knees, so I did it on my thigh. I did it on my arm a few months ago when I tried to kill myself, though. Even though my family found out i cut, only my boyfriend has found out about my thigh. I have too many scars there and I don't want anyone to see them. My boyfriend saw them...
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Why title stupid stuff?

Posted October 12th 2011 at 06:53 PM by Troubled_Heart

I know people say they love me
I know it should help and it kind of does
But how do I know they're telling the truth?
People lie all the time
Why should it be any different with me?


I know I'm nothing special, I know I'm the same as everyone else, an equal.
But this is such shit

Wish I was never born.
Wish I could escape.
Why would anyone want to have a child?
Why would they want to cause pain and suffering?...
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It does get better.

Posted October 12th 2011 at 06:52 AM by Hopeyyy

So, saw Nolan in Drama today.
We sat in the back seats of our auditorium (stage) place, by ourselves.
He said he knew about me not eating. So, I told him I ate today, but I also said I'd binge it.
He said he knew I wrote goodbye letters to everyone. So, I told him, I used to cut.
He started tearing up. Yepp, I'm positive tears came out of his eyes. It made me sick to my stomach. He hasn't cried since April, he isn't a very emotional man. He explained to me that everyone...
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For the love of [non-existent] god!

Posted October 11th 2011 at 03:04 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck

Let me start with: I do not believe in the bible or organised religion and I am not trying to offend anyone, it's just my opinion.
Anyway, a bible basher came to the door.
Apparently this person can tell you what happens when you die and how to be happy.
"God never causes what is wicked." So God created all humans. God therefore created Hitler. Hitler was obviously a good man, then.
It also says that "...this promised future includes perfect health
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Fisrt blog entry :)

Posted October 11th 2011 at 10:38 AM by ARTPOP


So today 11.10.11 is my first blog entry I did one before, but you guys can't see it
I'm going to blog about anything and everything in my life!

I'm also going to start writing my parodies and silly poetry again and put it here.

Some entrys will also just be collage things

Feel free to leave ideas please

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Posted October 10th 2011 at 07:16 PM by Troubled_Heart

Need to cry
Need to cut
Need to die
Need to learn French
Can't learn French
Had days to do it but not had time
Test on wednesday, still know none...
What am I meant to do?
I have so much revision material and none of them work...
I just can't do it and I can't fail...
Can't stop crying...
The stress..
The pain...
My life falling apart,
Never been so...
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Used to be Ianto Jones
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