Posted January 12th 2012 at 12:55 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
I try coming out to my mom today. Know what she says? Pretty much stuff along the lines of: "Who's a lesbian making you want to be one? You want to be everything you read. Start thinking with your own mind for once, if you think you're a lesbian you really do have problems."
I KNEW she was going to say that, I just KNEW that. Everything is a game to her, my self harm, suicidal thoughts. You know what? I don't fucking KNOW why I feel so bad all the time, I really DON'T. And by...
Living the dream.
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I've waited so long for someone to say that to me. I met with Fiona (course tutor) and Susie (student support worker) today for a "Progress Review". We talked about what I'd done, what I still had to hand in, and what I needed to do.
As of now I need to:
- Make a workbook with inspirations and explanations for my graphic design class.
- Make the poster for my graphic design class and hand it in.
- Hand in my user interface design images and do the writing part of them for
Llama Lover/Skittle Minion
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Posted January 11th 2012 at 10:48 PM by Riddikulus
Urgh, I'm so stupid, I need to learn to stop apologising , I need to stop being so pathetic.
I just can't help it, I apologise so much to my parents, i'm just used to it. It's becuase i'm a disappointment and failure to everyone and i'm sorry to everyone for that,
I hate myself, I want to make people proud, mainly my parents. I want them to stop critising me, I want everything to be okay...
I don't even know what the point of this is, it jsut shows how pathetic...
The magic word... expelliarmus
Views 270
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Posted January 11th 2012 at 10:25 AM by ChelleBelle97 (This is my life<3)
My mom hates me..
My "friends" hate me...
The people on here probably hate me..
I just don't fit in anywhere.
And, the only enjoyment I get out of my "life" is talking to him. But, he's in college. So, apparently.. I'm not supposed to talk to him according to my mom. And, if she makes me stop talking to him... I'll go back to right where I started.. Trying to kill myself.
Someone help me.. someone save me..
Cookie Monster(:<3
Views 628
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Posted January 11th 2012 at 01:16 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
My guidance counselor: "Have you cut anymore?"
Me: *deer in the headlights look, reluctantly shakes head no*
Answer I WANT to say: Yes, about three or four times since a bit before vacation. Relapsing keeps happening and I'm losing control again.
Can't have my parents knowing, though, really can't. Can't be locked up for 72 hours in some psych hospital. Grounded. Have my technology taken. Get lectured by various relatives.
The other day my...
Living the dream.
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Posted January 10th 2012 at 03:25 AM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
I got my boyfriend addicted to gaia.
Anyway, things are finally starting to look up for me a little, as far as moving in with Jon. But only a little. It's kinda complicated, but I guess I should count my blessings and keep moving forward.
I've been reading a LOT for the past few days. I got so many books for Christmas it's a bit overwhelming. I'm also job hunting. It's not easy. Why do jobs have to be so elusive?
Skittles Minion
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Posted January 9th 2012 at 03:28 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
While sitting there talking to people feeling fine I end up cutting.
I'm so stupid. It's on the wrist this time. At least if I'm gone for a while you know why.
I'm so fucked up. Get that sad scared feeling in my heart out of nowhere. Cut out of nowhere. Tired out of nowhere. No motivation out of nowhere.
Sick with a cold right now. The fuck's wrong with me?
Living the dream.
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Urgh, I can't deal with anything right now. I've been really ill for the last week or so and my mom is being ridiculous saying i'm fine when i'm clearly not.
I can't be doing with the way she talks to me and the way she treats me and the only way i can stop myself exploding at her is SH.
I just want to cut and hurt, i don't wnat to have to deal with life anymore. I want her to leave me alone :/
The magic word... expelliarmus
Views 279
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Posted January 7th 2012 at 09:31 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
I ask for a young therapist so I can relate. I get the old chick who did my intake because of my stupid schedule. I just don't want to miss school or quit my community service, but while I lied to my parents saying I liked that lady, I really only found her okay. But my mom said flat up it's either deal with her or don't go at all, and I kinda DO have to go because while my parents don't know this, it's either go to therapy or overdose. The pills are still getting harder to say no to. And nobody...
Living the dream.
Views 544
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Lost my appetite recently.
Even when it hurts I don't want to eat.
When I do I'm full after like 3 bites.
Kind of glad.
Been waiting for me to not need to eat 24/7
Not good when you're meant to be getting rid of chocolate
But nice for me
I put on weight and now I'm running and hardly eating I should lose it?
I do force myself to eat some tea so its not terrible
And I eat brekky on a school day
But if I'm not hungry surely that's ok ...
Used to be Ianto Jones
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