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Reminder: Caring for others discussions tonight!

Posted February 11th 2012 at 12:00 PM by TeenHelp (Project Blog)

Source: Notice | Facilitated Chat Room Discussions.

Reminder: Caring for others discussions tonight!

There are three scheduled discussions on the topic of caring for others in the Chat Room for users to seek advice and share thoughts and ideas! The first discussion will be held at 8pm UK time (GMT/UTC), the second will be held at 8pm Eastern US time (EST), and the third will be held at 8pm Pacific US time (PST). All you have to...
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Really need a hug

Posted February 10th 2012 at 09:25 PM by Riddikulus

I can't believe my grandad is doing it again, It's tearing the family apart. I hate watching my parents so upset and the fact that he doesn't give a crap.
I can't handle it, I'm just finding myself pushing everyone away, even the person i love the most. But yet i really need someone to talk to right now, i feel so alone >_< I really need a hug.
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The magic word... expelliarmus
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Only friends... *trig*

Posted February 9th 2012 at 09:16 PM by Riddikulus

Charli, you're such a fucking idiot.. just get out of people lives, they don't care, they don't want to know....

Pills and blades...my only friends atm it seems >_<
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The magic word... expelliarmus
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Missed everyone!

Posted February 9th 2012 at 03:32 AM by Lumos.

I missed everyone when TH was down. Im glad its back up. I hope everyone is doing well. I think thats all i wanted to say.
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Can I Cry Now?

Posted February 9th 2012 at 01:18 AM by George^^

I feel like crying.
Life, Love, doesn't work out all the time.

Expecially not when your a teenager. I hate to complain, But I'm tired of loving someone who will never love me back. I want to cry. I'd give them my heart, my anything, just for them to tell me they like them. But she's not like that. She'd admit to being a closet homophobe before she'd say she loved me in that way. I mean, she loves me as a friend. I love her as... Well, as much as a person can for someone they...
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The only way I can do this... *trig*

Posted February 8th 2012 at 09:47 PM by Riddikulus

Keep staring at my blades and pills, i'm hurting so badly...It's the only thing that will help atm..
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The magic word... expelliarmus
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I Can't Do This Anymore

Posted February 6th 2012 at 12:43 AM by Funandnice

I'm tired of living. Everyone hates me. I'd make a lot of people happier (including me) if I killed myself. I just smile at school and pretend everything is fine but it's not. Nothing is fine anymore. Everyone who knows keeps telling me to be strong, that it'll get better. WHEN? I'm tired of this shit. I'm not strong at all, I'm a puny little weakling. I don't trust many people limiting who I can tell. I think it would be better if I just killed myself. I can't do this anymore. If you read this,...
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I'm Exhausted. Physically and Mentally.

Posted February 6th 2012 at 12:09 AM by BreakingBecci

I just woke up screaming. I was shaking and sweating and crying... I'd only been asleep for an hour. The shaking is making it hard to type, and everything's blurry because of the tears.

I feel so alone all the time. Four months ago I moved 163 miles away from home, with only a week to adjust to the idea. I don't know any one here. None of my 'friends' ever get in contact with me unless I message them first. When I visit home, everyone's too busy to meet up with me. Even my boyfriend...
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Avatar closure.

Posted February 5th 2012 at 12:00 PM by TeenHelp (Project Blog)
Updated April 8th 2012 at 11:32 PM by TeenHelp

Source: Announcements forum | Thread.

Avatar closure.

It is with regret that I am writing to announce the closure of Avatar Magazine. Having had the magazine for over four years we have enjoyed great success in being able to bring you fresh content each month. However, in the past year we have struggled to secure the volunteers necessary to make the monthly release we had previously.

In an attempt to provide our users with more regular publications...
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...Oh (Grieving Trig)

Posted February 5th 2012 at 04:33 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
Tags death, grieving

I just found out...
I didn't want to believe it at first, hoped that I was just jumping to conclusions since it was so late when I was told.
Rest in peace my friend <3

Oh God, I went back on your profile to see what our last conversation was about. It took place on November 6th and 7th, 2011. The last time I ever talked to you. You were trying to get me to go into the chat room but I didn't have the time.
I'm so fucking sorry for not going into chat that day, for...
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Living the dream.
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