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Im ready (Possibly triggering)

Posted October 3rd 2012 at 12:04 PM by monkey01 (Chantelle's Blog)
Updated October 11th 2012 at 06:06 PM by Palmolive (Adding triggering prefix)

I am ready to give up the fight i honestly dont know why or how im still here after last night. I cut so much last night. I was crying and shaking and hyperventilating last night. I hit rock bottom yesterday and i dont nor will i continue on anymore. i cant handle anything anymore. im just done. I cannot do this anymore its either i let myself do it slowly or do it fast and by my own hands. i just feel so alone and so unwanted. i feel dead inside. I AM SO FUCKING DONE.
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cant go on

Posted October 2nd 2012 at 04:47 PM by monkey01 (Chantelle's Blog)
Updated October 2nd 2012 at 05:02 PM by monkey01

I cant go on like this anymore. I am happy on the outside but on the inside I am breaking. I cant go on living like this. I cant go on living period. I am so unhappy. I feel like there is no reason to live anymore. I should just end it all tonight then all my pain will be over cause I just cant do this anymore. I did not go to any of my classes yesterday i sat in the bathroom and cried when my friends saw me I gave them the silent treatment. My guidance counsellor found me in the bathroom and she...
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Posted October 2nd 2012 at 12:13 PM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)

Assuming this works the way I hope it shall,

(Which it isn't, so far, so do me a favour and click on whatever attachment link you can find, and you shall be taken to mah horsie.)

THIS IS WHAT A HORSE SHOULD LOOK LIKE. This is an example of a minimum quality, 30 minute, I-stole-the-image-from-google-then-drew-it, horse. I think anybody posting images of horses should come to at least this standard, and I would definitely hope for higher standards. I made a post a while...
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I want to nap.

Posted October 1st 2012 at 01:37 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)

Not because I'm tired - I've been getting enough sleep. But because when you're asleep, you don't feel pain, and I have this nagging, deep-seated ache we call "period pain". We should really call it, "period agony" . . . I think that's a little more realistic. So yeah, I'm in a fair amount of pain, and it's making me grumpy, and I want to nap because sleeping people don't feel pain, and also, the warmth of bed would most likely help with the pain.

I got lucky,...
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Social Networking: Monthly Roundup.

Posted September 30th 2012 at 12:00 PM by TeenHelp (Project Blog)

Source: Social Networking | Facebook | Twitter | To get the most up-to-date information, follow one of our Social Networking pages!

Social Networking: Monthly Roundup.

For those of you who haven't been following our Social Networking pages, this is what we've been posting about over the last month:

September 4th: TREAT: Regardless of the cause of a migraine, they are always a bummer. Learn natural and medicinal ways to treat them! http://bit.ly/Rim3dg...
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Reminder: Dealing with triggers discussions tonight!

Posted September 29th 2012 at 12:00 PM by TeenHelp (Project Blog)

Source: Notice | Facilitated Chat Room Discussions.

Reminder: Dealing with triggers discussions tonight!

There are three scheduled discussions on the topic of dealing with triggers in the Chat Room for users to seek advice and share thoughts and ideas! The first discussion will be held at 8pm UK time (BST), the second will be held at 8pm Eastern US time (EDT), and the third will be held at 8pm...
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Daylight savings. OWHY.

Posted September 29th 2012 at 11:22 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)

Daylight savings is a stupid idea. I mean, not that I'm going to lose any sleep over it, that's not my nature. But it's a damned stupid concept. Let's move an hour, to make the days seem longer! You know what? Let's not. The only thing we change is the damn clocks. Cows still need milking at the same time, etcetera, etcetera. It's just a stupid idea. And we have a weirdly long daylight-saving period here since a couple of years ago, when they decided to shift the changes from roughly March and labour-weekendish...
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Oh, today.

Posted September 29th 2012 at 03:24 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)

Gets out of bed at 07:50am, decides it's too frigging cold, goes back to bed, and eventually breakfasts around 10:00am.

The weather threatens, so she has not gone to the gym, but oh, she wants to - she just doesn't want to get soaked in transit. She misses her car.

She desperately wants to poop, but the last couple of times, her flatmate has gone into the toilet straight after her, and said, "woah, did you do a shit?", even though she has used toilet-spray...
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How come

Posted September 28th 2012 at 03:47 PM by monkey01 (Chantelle's Blog)

How come I feel like this how come people are so rude to me. I cant handle this anymore. I just feel so low. Someone said to me on here that I am attention seeking I am not doing this for attention this is how I feel. no one understands me. I just cant do this anymore. I just feel so alone and all these other feelings all at once and I cant handle them all anymore. I just cant how come life is just so unfair to me. I feel like I dont deserve to be happy. I feel like everyone would be better off...
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Mildly apprehensive.

Posted September 28th 2012 at 09:35 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)

So I didn't take my meds in to my appointment with my keyworker.

And it was probation who narked on me.

Jens (my psychiatrist) came into my appointment to briefly assess what's going on. He said I'm not sleeping enough and I'm going far too fast - basically I'm still elevated - and he would really like me to be taking my medication. I told him it's not going to happen. He said, well what if you get depressed again? And I said, then I'll start taking it again. So he's...
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