Posted March 18th 2011 at 01:04 AM by rae lynn
So I could of swore that I put on here about my boyfriend breaking up with me, wanting to be friends, getting a girlfriend 5 days later, treating me like shit and now not talking to me, but I guess not. That kind of summed it up, but yeah he has been acting like a total ass to me. Almost 2 years of dating, and he does this. He gets a girl that lives in Texas. He told me he couldn't handle a long distance relationship. When I had a talk with him about how I wanted to marry him and have kids with...
rae lynn. (:
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Posted March 3rd 2011 at 01:31 AM by rae lynn
So, this week has been dragging a bit. I have been extremely tired, but I don't know why. Like, I know I stayed up extremely late on the weekend, but I slept all night on Sunday. Monday when I got home from school, I took a nap, then went to bed at like 10. Yesterday, I came home and slept til 7, woke up, ended up falling asleep at 9, woke up again and went back to bed at like 11. Then todayyyy, my mother let me skip school and go to my boyfriend's house. We slept literally ALL day. Haha. We watched...
rae lynn. (:
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Posted February 27th 2011 at 06:57 PM by rae lynn
So, my weekend was pretty great. Got to stay the night with Shaq. He got his hair done, and he looks even more handsome. (: I didn't want to leave today. I wish I could of stayed longer. Oh well, at least I got to stay the night. I am so tired though. We stayed up til like 6, and I had to be up by 12. But I was up way before that, because his brother had some friends over and they were being extra loud and what not. And when I did get to sleep, I would get too hot, then I would get too cold. So...
rae lynn. (:
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Posted February 25th 2011 at 02:18 AM by rae lynn
So I think I am going to "update" on here every night. It seems to...soothe?...me. So here I go. Today was another great day. School was great. I'm great. My Taco Bell was great.(; My mom is doing great...Okay, you get it. Anyways...of course, to ruin my great mood....My boyfriend's cousin started a rumor saying that Shaq (the boyfriend) had sex with my friend Ashlyn, on Tuesday night. Too bad I was with him ALL DAY AND NIGHT ON TUESDAY!, so there is no way in hell he did it. And plus,...
rae lynn. (:
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Posted February 24th 2011 at 01:34 AM by rae lynn
Okay. So today was an amazing day! School was great. Home was great. Dinner was great. Shaq is great! I talked to him on the phone for like 3 hours & did not ONCE argue. I babysat my little one year old cousin, and everything was just so....wonderful. Then, my "other mom" called and told me that her daughter (my former friend) had another "miscarriage". She faked one about two months ago and expected me not to get mad after KNOWING I had a miscarriage on Easter of last year....
rae lynn. (:
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Posted February 22nd 2011 at 02:47 AM by rae lynn
So, today was an alright day. Didn't do squat, once again. What a 3-day weekend, right? Blah. Right now, I'm watching American Dad, laying in bed, and wearing my boyfriend's shirt. Why I felt the need to say that, who knows? Anyways...I am hoping to make new friends on here. (Random thought --->) Time is kind of flying by. I am 16 already. I am graduating next year. I got nominated to be in a scholarship program. I get my license in April. My 2 year anniversary is coming up in May. Shaq (the...
rae lynn. (:
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Posted February 19th 2011 at 01:40 PM by rae lynn
WOWWW! It has been a LONG time since I have been on here. But here we go...My crying has been under control until just recently. (That's another story.) My boyfriend and I are doing alright, could be better, but no relationship is perfect. We have been together almost 2 years. Hopefully I can get some money and we can do something together for our anniversary. School os going quite well actually. I get to graduate early, and I just recently got nominated for a scholarship program by my principal...
rae lynn. (:
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Posted August 23rd 2010 at 08:23 PM by rae lynn
sooo it has been awhile. my summer was great i was with my boyfriend most of the time. now i need to spend time with friends. school is tomorrow and i am a bit excited. today is my brother's birthday, but he is asleep so yeah. lmao. i haven't been crying nearly as much as i used to. just when needed? lol. man, i wanna go driving, i need to get some more hours on my permit card. can't wait to get a jo and a car. (: haha this is just full of random stuff, so i think imma stop here...thanks for reading....
rae lynn. (:
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Posted July 23rd 2010 at 11:39 AM by rae lynn
so i haven't been crying tooo much. only when i feel i have done something wrong. i am kinda proud of myself too. i used to call my boyfriend aaaaaaall the time & it would make him mad, but i didn't realize i called him so much. so yesterday him and his cousin left until the 30th or 31st & i haven't called him but twice. yes for me this is an accomplishment cause i usually call 10+ times. so yeah, and i think we just need some space from each other, but i hate leaving to go somewhere, but...
rae lynn. (:
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Posted June 23rd 2010 at 01:13 PM by rae lynn
so it's been awhile since i have posted to here. but i am ALOT better than before. i haven't cried for about a month...well, i had a break down about a week or so ago, but that's the only time. my aunt's surgery went well & she is healing well too. my boyfriend & i are getting to see each other ALOT more than we expected. and my drivers ed. class is almost over, can't wait til i get my permit. haha, i want my license though. anyways, thanks to everyone that helped me through this, i really...
rae lynn. (:
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