Last bloggy
Posted May 31st 2010 at 01:36 AM by Paul.
ahh. I keep rewriting this. I've been a complete dick to some of you. Part of it is spite, but it's true that I have to move on. Heck, I think a lot of us have to move on in some ways and I hope some of you understand what I mean. We can choose to get past our issues. It's scary to live life with only ourselves accountable, but who wants to hide behind depression, anxiety, or whatever issues? I know for a fact that a lot of you are incredibly strong, sweet, and downright amazing people. Unfortunately in this world it's hard for people to appreciate or see past our problems if we don't even know how to appreciate ourselves. Sometimes our issues cause us to do things that make us less than great friends too. TH can be a good escape, but it's a problem when it becomes an online shelter from life.
I hope you all find what you need to be happy with life and I'm sorry that I can't be a part of that. (except the jerks that only seem to blame problems on other people, I'm glad to be away from them) I'm allowed a little spite here and there
Best of luck, take care of yourselves, and don't take no shit! <3
I hope you all find what you need to be happy with life and I'm sorry that I can't be a part of that. (except the jerks that only seem to blame problems on other people, I'm glad to be away from them) I'm allowed a little spite here and there

Best of luck, take care of yourselves, and don't take no shit! <3
Total Comments 1
Posted May 31st 2010 at 05:53 AM by Gidig