This blog is about my journey though my pregnancy and the life a head. I will be one to warn, it isn't easy, and it isn't perfect, and I'm going to be totally honest in this blog. It may Trigger, upset, or offend. Read at your own risk. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!! 

Maybe my fairytale doesn't last forever?
Posted October 24th 2012 at 01:48 AM by Mrs.DannyWorsnop
So Jordan and I haven't been getting along to greatly. I'm starting to think maybe we won't last like I want us to. Its really sad to think we have been with each other this long and still can't hold it together in hopes that everything will get better after the baby. I know we argue sometimes, but its never been this bad. I think that if we break up, it needs to be over with, and I need to do whats best for the baby and I. I have no clue. We have been together so long, and I know it would be so hard to let go, but maybe its for the best? Anyone have any comments? Your help would be great..
Total Comments 2
Let me tell you something that I learned in my long term relationship. The entire dynamic of a relationship can change over time. The thing that doesn't change is the amount of love you hold for that person. I learned that it's not really the relationship that changes, it's the people. It's natural, and adaptive for us to change. But when other change, especially partners, it's different and it's difficult. And it brings a whole flood of emotions in. You have to learn to change and grow WITH that person. You have a baby coming, and that means tension is going to be a factor in the relationship. But that doesn't mean it has to be over. It simply means that you have issues to work through, and they are most definitely possible to overcome! Take care<3
Posted October 24th 2012 at 04:46 PM by Just Peachy. -
Thank you very much. I realize that now. I really do love Jordan and I don't know what I would do if something happened to cause us to break apart. He really is the stronghold of my life, and keeps me stable while all of the bad passes though.
Again thank you very much for the advice. I really is amazing that people do read this blog and are willing to help. All you guys are amazing, and you deserve the best! Have a great day!!
Posted October 25th 2012 at 10:08 PM by Mrs.DannyWorsnop